A small producer application to grab tweets meeting a specific filter criteria and send them to AWS kinesis after some minor processing.
Requires a config.yaml file to be created in the settings folder with your credentials (to be replaced by AWS Secret Manager in the future).
app_name: 'tiwtter_amm_name'
consumer_key: 'consumer_key'
consumer_secret: 'consumer_secret'
access_token: 'access_token'
access_secret: 'access_secret'
account_name: 'aws_account_name'
aws_access_key: 'aws_access_key'
aws_secret_access_key: 'aws_secret_access_key'
stream_name: 'kinesis_stream_name'
default_region: 'aws_default_region'
Once the credentials file is created simply run the send_to_kinsis file to enable your stream producer:
python send_to_kinesis.py
There's also an experimental tweet_daemon.py script to run the producer as a daemon on EC2 (or another cloud compute resource) which still requires the PID file/directory to be properly configured.
When running the producer will create a log directory in the same folder containing all of the retreived tweet logs.
You can use Kinesis to handle the tweets however you like, but the example using snowpipes below uses Firehose to dump files into an S3 bucket which will then be ingested directly into Snowflake as a varient data type using a Snowpipe for further processing.
To setup a snowpipe for data ingestion into Snowflake see the Snowpipe readme.