ChemINF-EDU is a educational cheminformatics system designed to support a wide range of chemical data management tasks. It combines powerful user interfaces with robust RESTful APIs to provide seamless integration across various modules.
This platform offers the following modules:
- Molecules: Manage and view detailed information about chemical molecules.
- Inventory: Track and manage chemical inventory data including amounts and storage details.
- Projects Maintenance: Organize and monitor projects related to chemical research and analysis.
- Tasks Maintenance: Manage individual tasks and workflows within larger projects.
- Reactions Maintenance: Define, view, and update chemical reaction data and kinetics.
- Reaction Participants Maintenance: Oversee reaction components including reactants, products, and catalysts with their respective stoichiometric details.
- Reaction Overview: Generate comprehensive overviews and chemical equations from aggregated reaction data.
- REST API: Leverage a suite of RESTful endpoints for easy integration, automation, and data sharing across various applications.