Module provides utility functions for manipulation with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
IpHelper project provides basic methods for IP address processing. It contains IPv4AddressHelper and IPv4AddressHelper classes containing methods:
GetNumber(string ipAddress) returning uint number for IP address example: for returns 2974023424 for returns 2974023424
GetRangeBoundaries(string range) returns low and high uint bounds for given IP address example: for returns (1521485956,1521485959)
BelongsToRange(string ipAddress, string range) returns true/false if IP address is in given range
Project provides public nuget package from here:
Project provides public powershell module from here:
import-module SandBoxIpHelper.IPAddressHelper
function GetRangeBoundaries ($range, $siteId) {
$bounds =@()
try {
$bounds = [GreyCorbel.Helpers.IPv4AddressHelper]::GetRangeBoundaries($range,$siteId)
$bounds = [PSCustomObject]@{
low = $bounds.Item1
high = $bounds.Item2
catch {
Write-Warning "Error occurred Test-GetRangeBoundaries: $_"
throw "Error occurred Test-GetRangeBoundaries: $_"