A Java library aiming to make the construction of Json with the least code.
When I was using JSON.simple, I found such code snippet is quite common in practice:
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("name", "foo");
obj.put("num", new Integer(100));
obj.put("balance", new Double(1000.21));
obj.put("is_vip", new Boolean(true));
String name = (String)obj.get("name");
Any obtaining of values requires a manual cast operation which is really annoying to me, especially when dealling with data containing loads of properties. Though in some situations, we can just use JSONParser to directly obtained an object, a final manual cast is still required. Therefore, I tried to build this library which provides an easier way to use JSON (at least to me).
- Create an empty JSON data
// create a JSON object
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
// create a JSON array with the initial capacity of 0
JsonArray ja = new JsonArray();
// create a JSON array with the initial capacity of 4
JsonArray ja1 = new JsonArray(4);
// JsonData is an abstract class which is the superclass of JsonObject and JsonArray
JsonData jd = new JsonObject();
JsonData jd1 = new JsonArray();
- Parse a String to create a JSON data
String objStr = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";
// JsonData.toJsonObject(String string) returns JsonObject
JsonObject jo = JsonData.toJsonObject(objStr);
JsonObject jo1 = JsonData.<JsonObject>toJsonData(objStr);
// Use auto-deduction technique of Java to hide the generic parameter -- less code
JsonObject jo2 = JsonData.toJsonData(objStr);
// JsonData.toJsonArray(String string) returns JsonArray
JsonArray ja = JsonData.toJsonArray(objStr);
JsonArray ja1 = JsonData.<JsonArray>toJsonData(objStr);
// Use auto-deduction technique of Java to hide the generic parameter -- less code
JsonArray ja2 = JsonData.toJsonData(objStr);
- Convert JSON data into String
String str = jo.toString();
- Add properties to a JSON data
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.add("JsonObject", new JsonObject());
jo.add("JsonArray", new JsonArray());
jo.add("String", "string");
jo.add("boolean", true);
jo.add("int", 1);
jo.add("long", 1l);
jo.add("float", 1f);
jo.add("double", 1d);
JsonArray ja = new JsonArray();
ja.add("auto add to the end");
ja.add(0, "add to the index");
- Get properties from a JSON data
// Use auto-deduction technique of Java to hide the generic parameter -- less code
int num1 = jo.get("int");
// Or manually cast the object
int num2 = jo.<Integer>get("int").intValue();
// Or use given method
int num3 = jo.getInt("int");
// Use auto-deduction technique of Java to hide the generic parameter -- less code
String str1 = ja.get(2);
// Or manually cast the object
String str2 = ja.<String>get(2);
// Or use given method
String str3 = ja.getString(2);
- Other methods including size(), replace() and its overload, clear(), isEmpty() and etc.
- Add Object-Mapping Parser which directly creates a instance of the named class
- Add Object-Mapping Writer which directly creates a String in JSON format from a instance