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Proved open projection set characterization
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GuiBrandt committed Aug 30, 2024
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Showing 7 changed files with 410 additions and 107 deletions.
Empty file removed PolyhedralCombinatorics/Basic.lean
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49 changes: 34 additions & 15 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/Basic.lean
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@@ -1,37 +1,56 @@
import PolyhedralCombinatorics.LinearSystem.Defs

import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Basic

# Theorems about linear systems
This file contains theorems about linear systems.
## Main results
* `LinearSystem.solutions_concat`: Characterizes the set of solutions of the
concatenation of two linear systems.
* `LinearSystem.solutions_convex`: The set of solutions of a linear system is convex.

namespace LinearSystem
open Matrix

variable {𝔽 n} [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)

open Matrix

@[simp] lemma mem_toSet : x ∈ p.toSet ↔ p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec := Set.mem_setOf
@[simp] lemma mem_solutions : x ∈ ↔ p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec := Set.mem_setOf

@[simp] lemma mem_solutions_of {x : Fin n → 𝔽} : x ∈ (of A b).solutions ↔ A *ᵥ x ≤ b := Set.mem_setOf

@[simp] theorem toSet_concat : (p.concat q).toSet = p.toSet ∩ q.toSet := by
/-- The set of solutions of the concatenation of two linear systems is the intersection of their
sets of solutions. -/
@[simp] theorem solutions_concat : (p.concat q).solutions = ∩ := by
simp_rw [Set.ext_iff, Set.mem_inter_iff]
intro x
constructor <;> intro h
. simp_rw [concat, mem_toSet, Pi.le_def] at h
constructor <;> (rw [mem_toSet, Pi.le_def]; intro i)
. simp_rw [concat, mem_solutions, Pi.le_def] at h
constructor <;> (rw [mem_solutions, Pi.le_def]; intro i)
. have := h (i.castLE $ Nat.le_add_right ..)
simp_all [mulVec]
. have := h ⟨p.m + i, Nat.add_lt_add_left i.prop ..⟩
simp_all [mulVec]
. simp_rw [concat, mem_toSet, Pi.le_def]
. simp_rw [concat, mem_solutions, Pi.le_def]
intro i
by_cases hi : i < p.m <;> simp only [hi, mulVec, ↓reduceDIte, of_apply]
. apply h.1
. apply h.2

-- section repr
-- open Std.Format

-- instance repr [Repr 𝔽] : Repr (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) where
-- reprPrec p _p :=
-- (text "!!{ x | "
-- ++ (nest 2 <| reprArg p.mat ++ text " x ≤ " ++ reprArg p.vec)
-- ++ text "}")

-- end repr
/-- The set of solutions of a linear system is convex. -/
theorem solutions_convex : Convex 𝔽 := by
intro x x_mem_p y y_mem_p α β α_nonneg β_nonneg αβ_affine
p.mat *ᵥ (α • x + β • y) = α • p.mat *ᵥ x + β • p.mat *ᵥ y := by
simp_rw [mulVec_add, mulVec_smul]
_ ≤ α • p.vec + β • p.vec :=
(smul_le_smul_of_nonneg_left x_mem_p α_nonneg)
(smul_le_smul_of_nonneg_left y_mem_p β_nonneg)
_ = p.vec := by rw [←add_smul, αβ_affine, one_smul]
31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/Defs.lean
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@@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Notation

# Linear systems
This file defines basic properties of linear systems.
Linear systems of `n` variables over a linear ordered field `𝔽` are represented
with `LinearSystem 𝔽 n`.
## Main definitions
* `LinearSystem`: The type of linear systems.
* `LinearSystem.of`: The linear system defined by a `m × n` coefficient matrix
and an `m × 1` column vector.
* `LinearSystem.concat`: Concatenation of linear systems.
* ``: Set of solutions of a linear system.

(𝔽 : Type*) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] -- Field type
(n : ℕ) -- Dimension of the space
Expand All @@ -18,31 +35,33 @@ structure LinearSystem where
namespace LinearSystem
open Matrix

variable {𝔽 n} (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)
variable {𝔽 m n} (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)

abbrev of {m} (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽) (b : Fin m → 𝔽) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n := ⟨m, A, b⟩
/-- Constructs a linear system defined by a `m × n` coefficient matrix `A` and an `m × 1` column
vector `b`. -/
abbrev of (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽) (b : Fin m → 𝔽) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n := ⟨m, A, b⟩

/-- The concatenation of two linear systems. -/
def concat : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
m := p.m + q.m,
mat := Matrix.of fun i j =>
mat := Matrix.of fun i j
if h : i < p.m then
p.mat ⟨i, h⟩ j
q.mat ⟨i - p.m, Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add ( h) i.prop⟩ j
vec := fun i =>
vec := fun i
if h : i < p.m then
p.vec ⟨i, h⟩
q.vec ⟨i - p.m, Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add ( h) i.prop⟩

/-- The set of solutions of the linear system. -/
@[coe,simp] def toSet : Set (Fin n → 𝔽) := { x | p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec }
@[simp] def solutions : Set (Fin n → 𝔽) := { x | p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec }

/-- Two linear systems are said to be equivalent when their sets of solutions are equal. -/
instance : HasEquiv (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) := ⟨(·.toSet = ·.toSet)⟩
instance : HasEquiv (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) := ⟨(·.solutions = ·.solutions)⟩

instance isSetoid (𝔽 n) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] : Setoid (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) :=
⟨instHasEquiv.Equiv, fun _ ↦ rfl, Eq.symm, Eq.trans⟩
108 changes: 72 additions & 36 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/LinearConstraints.lean
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import PolyhedralCombinatorics.LinearSystem.Basic

inductive LinearConstraint.Comparator | le | eq | ge
# Linear constraints in linear systems
Although inequalities of the form `yᵀ x ≤ b` (where `y` is a coefficient vector
and `b` is a scalar) are sufficient to represent all linear systems, it is
often convenient to be able to use equalities (`yᵀ x = b`) or inequalities in
the other direction (`yᵀ x ≥ b`).
To this end, we hereby define the type of linear constraints and prove some
relevant theorems about how linear systems defined by a set of constraints
## Main definitions
* `LinearConstraint`: The type of linear constraints.
* `LinearSystem.ofConstraints`: The linear system corresponding to a list of
## Main results
* `LinearSystem.solutions_ofConstraints`: Characterization of the solutions of
a linear system in terms of the constraints that define it.

(𝔽 : Type*) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] -- Field type
(n : ℕ) -- Dimension of the space

inductive LinearConstraint.Comparator | le | eq | ge

/-- `LinearConstraint n` is the type of linear constraints on `n` variables. -/
structure LinearConstraint where
coefficients : Fin n → 𝔽
Expand All @@ -17,38 +41,42 @@ variable {𝔽 n} {y : Fin n → 𝔽} {b : 𝔽}
namespace LinearConstraint
open Matrix

@[match_pattern] abbrev le (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .le, b⟩
@[match_pattern] abbrev eq (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .eq, b⟩
@[match_pattern] abbrev ge (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .ge, b⟩

/-- Converts a linear constraint into a list o extended matrix rows for a
linear system. -/
def toExtendedRows : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n → List ((Fin n → 𝔽) × 𝔽)
| ⟨y, .le, b⟩ => [(y, b)]
| ⟨y, .eq, b⟩ => [(y, b), (-y, -b)]
| ⟨y, .ge, b⟩ => [(-y, -b)]
| le y b => [(y, b)]
| eq y b => [(y, b), (-y, -b)]
| ge y b => [(-y, -b)]

@[simp] lemma le_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows ⟨y, .le, b⟩ = [(y, b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows ⟨y, .eq, b⟩ = [(y, b), (-y, -b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows ⟨y, .ge, b⟩ = [(-y, -b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma le_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (le y b) = [(y, b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (eq y b) = [(y, b), (-y, -b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (ge y b) = [(-y, -b)] := rfl

def Comparator.valid : Comparator → 𝔽 → 𝔽 → Prop
| le => (· ≤ ·) | eq => (· = ·) | ge => (· ≥ ·)

/-- Whether a linear constraint is valid for a given vector. -/
def valid : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n → (Fin n → 𝔽) → Prop
| ⟨y, cmp, b⟩, x =>
let p := y ⬝ᵥ x
match cmp with | .le => p ≤ b | .eq => p = b | .ge => p ≥ b
| ⟨y, cmp, b⟩, x => cmp.valid (y ⬝ᵥ x) b

@[simp] lemma le_valid : valid ⟨y, Comparator.le, b⟩ x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≤ b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_valid : valid ⟨y, Comparator.eq, b⟩ x = (y ⬝ᵥ x = b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_valid : valid ⟨y,, b⟩ x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≥ b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma le_valid : (le y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≤ b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_valid : (eq y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x = b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_valid : (ge y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≥ b) := rfl

lemma eq_valid_iff
: valid ⟨y, Comparator.eq, b⟩ x
↔ valid ⟨y, Comparator.le, b⟩ x ∧ valid ⟨y,, b⟩ x := by simp [le_antisymm_iff]
lemma eq_valid_iff : (eq y b).valid x ↔ (le y b).valid x ∧ (ge y b).valid x := by
simp [le_antisymm_iff]

end LinearConstraint

namespace LinearSystem

open LinearConstraint

/-- Constructs a polyhedron description from a list of linear constraints. -/
/-- Constructs a linear system from a list of linear constraints. -/
def ofConstraints (cs : List (LinearConstraint 𝔽 n)) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
let rows := cs.bind toExtendedRows
⟨rows.length, Matrix.of (Prod.fst ∘ rows.get), Prod.snd ∘ rows.get⟩
Expand All @@ -70,31 +98,31 @@ lemma ofConstraints_vec_apply : (ofConstraints cs).vec i = (cs.bind toExtendedRo
simp only [ofConstraints_mat_apply, ofConstraints_vec_apply]

macro "constraint_lemma_tac" h:ident : tactic =>
macro "linear_constraint_lemma_tac" h:ident : tactic =>
simp_rw [ofConstraints_apply_eq_lemma]
<;> exact $ List.mem_bind.mpr ⟨_, $h, by simp [toExtendedRows]⟩)

private lemma le_lemma (h : ⟨y, Comparator.le, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs; ∃ i, s.mat i = y ∧ s.vec i = b := by
constraint_lemma_tac h
linear_constraint_lemma_tac h

private lemma ge_lemma (h : ⟨y,, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs; ∃ i, -(s.mat i) = y ∧ -(s.vec i) = b := by
simp_rw [neg_eq_iff_eq_neg]
constraint_lemma_tac h
linear_constraint_lemma_tac h

private lemma eq_lemma (h : ⟨y, Comparator.eq, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs;
(∃ i, s.mat i = y ∧ s.vec i = b) ∧ (∃ i, -(s.mat i) = y ∧ -(s.vec i) = b) := by
simp_rw [neg_eq_iff_eq_neg]
constructor <;> constraint_lemma_tac h
constructor <;> linear_constraint_lemma_tac h

theorem mem_toSet_ofConstraints (x : Fin n → 𝔽)
: x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).toSet ↔ ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x := by
@[simp] theorem mem_solutions_ofConstraints (x : Fin n → 𝔽)
: x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).solutions ↔ ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x := by
let rows := cs.bind toExtendedRows
. show x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).toSet → ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid _
. show x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).solutions → ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid _
intro h ⟨y, cmp, b⟩ mem_cs
cases cmp
case' le => have ⟨_, hy, hb⟩ := le_lemma mem_cs
Expand All @@ -108,22 +136,30 @@ theorem mem_toSet_ofConstraints (x : Fin n → 𝔽)
case le | eq.left =>
apply h
case ge | eq.right =>
simp_rw [valid, neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff]
simp_rw [ge_valid, neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff]
apply h
. show (∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x) → ∀ (i : Fin rows.length), rows[i].1 ⬝ᵥ _ ≤ rows[i].2
intro h i
have : rows[i] ∈ rows := by apply List.get_mem
have : rows[i] ∈ rows := List.get_mem rows i i.prop
have ⟨⟨y, cmp, b⟩, mem_cs, h'⟩ := this
have := h _ mem_cs
cases cmp <;> (
simp_all only [toExtendedRows, valid, List.mem_singleton, List.mem_pair]
try cases h'
all_goals simp_all only [neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff, le_refl]

theorem toSet_ofConstraints
: (ofConstraints cs).toSet = { x : Fin n → 𝔽 | ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x } :=
Set.ext_iff.mpr mem_toSet_ofConstraints
have c_valid := h _ mem_cs
cases cmp
case' eq =>
rw [eq_valid_iff] at c_valid
rw [toExtendedRows, List.mem_pair] at h'
cases h'
case le | eq.inl =>
rw [le_valid] at c_valid
simp_all only [toExtendedRows, List.mem_singleton]
case ge | eq.inr =>
rw [ge_valid] at c_valid
simp_all only [toExtendedRows, List.mem_singleton, neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff]

/-- The set of solutions of a linear system of constraints is the set of all points that satisfy
all constraints. -/
@[simp] theorem solutions_ofConstraints
: (ofConstraints cs).solutions = { x : Fin n → 𝔽 | ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x } :=
Set.ext_iff.mpr mem_solutions_ofConstraints

end toSet_ofConstraints

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