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Refactor Linear system ofConstraints with recursive definition
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GuiBrandt committed Sep 1, 2024
1 parent a59825b commit 41b3071
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ variable {𝔽 m n} (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)
vector `b`. -/
abbrev of (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽) (b : Fin m → 𝔽) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n := ⟨m, A, b⟩

/-- Prepends a linear inequality `yᵀ x ≤ b` to a linear system `p`. -/
def cons (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) (p : LinearSystem 𝔽 n) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
of (vecCons y p.mat) (vecCons b p.vec)

@[simp] lemma cons_m : (cons y b p : LinearSystem 𝔽 n).m = p.m + 1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma cons_mat : (cons y b p : LinearSystem 𝔽 n).mat = vecCons y p.mat := rfl

@[simp] lemma cons_vec : (cons y b p : LinearSystem 𝔽 n).vec = vecCons b p.vec := rfl

/-- The concatenation of two linear systems. -/
def concat : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
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163 changes: 64 additions & 99 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/LinearConstraints.lean
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Expand Up @@ -28,44 +28,22 @@ variable
(𝔽 : Type*) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] -- Field type
(n : ℕ) -- Dimension of the space

inductive LinearConstraint.Comparator | le | eq | ge

/-- `LinearConstraint n` is the type of linear constraints on `n` variables. -/
structure LinearConstraint where
coefficients : Fin n → 𝔽
comparator : LinearConstraint.Comparator
rhs : 𝔽
inductive LinearConstraint (𝔽 : Type*) (n : ℕ) where
| le : (Fin n → 𝔽) → 𝔽 → LinearConstraint 𝔽 n
| eq : (Fin n → 𝔽) → 𝔽 → LinearConstraint 𝔽 n
| ge : (Fin n → 𝔽) → 𝔽 → LinearConstraint 𝔽 n

variable {𝔽 n} {y : Fin n → 𝔽} {b : 𝔽}

namespace LinearConstraint
open Matrix

@[match_pattern] abbrev le (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .le, b⟩
@[match_pattern] abbrev eq (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .eq, b⟩
@[match_pattern] abbrev ge (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (b : 𝔽) : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n := ⟨y, .ge, b⟩

/-- Converts a linear constraint into a list o extended matrix rows for a
linear system. -/
def toExtendedRows : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n → List ((Fin n → 𝔽) × 𝔽)
| le y b => [(y, b)]
| eq y b => [(y, b), (-y, -b)]
| ge y b => [(-y, -b)]

@[simp] lemma le_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (le y b) = [(y, b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (eq y b) = [(y, b), (-y, -b)] := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_toExtendedRows : toExtendedRows (ge y b) = [(-y, -b)] := rfl

def Comparator.valid : Comparator → 𝔽 → 𝔽 → Prop
| le => (· ≤ ·) | eq => (· = ·) | ge => (· ≥ ·)

/-- Whether a linear constraint is valid for a given vector. -/
def valid : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n → (Fin n → 𝔽) → Prop
| ⟨y, cmp, b⟩, x => cmp.valid (y ⬝ᵥ x) b

@[simp] lemma le_valid : (le y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≤ b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq_valid : (eq y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x = b) := rfl
@[simp] lemma ge_valid : (ge y b).valid x = (y ⬝ᵥ x ≥ b) := rfl
@[simp] def valid : LinearConstraint 𝔽 n → (Fin n → 𝔽) → Prop
| le y b, x => y ⬝ᵥ x ≤ b
| eq y b, x => y ⬝ᵥ x = b
| ge y b, x => y ⬝ᵥ x ≥ b

lemma eq_valid_iff : (eq y b).valid x ↔ (le y b).valid x ∧ (ge y b).valid x := by
simp [le_antisymm_iff]
Expand All @@ -74,86 +52,73 @@ end LinearConstraint

namespace LinearSystem

open LinearConstraint
open LinearConstraint Matrix

/-- Constructs a linear system from a list of linear constraints. -/
def ofConstraints (cs : List (LinearConstraint 𝔽 n)) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
let rows := cs.bind toExtendedRows
⟨rows.length, Matrix.of (Prod.fst ∘ rows.get), Prod.snd ∘ rows.get⟩
def ofConstraints : List (LinearConstraint 𝔽 n) → LinearSystem 𝔽 n
| [] => of vecEmpty vecEmpty
| c :: cs =>
match c with
| le y b => cons y b $ ofConstraints cs
| ge y b => cons (-y) (-b) $ ofConstraints cs
| eq y b => cons y b $ cons (-y) (-b) $ ofConstraints cs

section toSet_ofConstraints
open Matrix LinearConstraint

variable {cs : List (LinearConstraint 𝔽 n)} {y : Fin n → 𝔽} {b : 𝔽}

lemma ofConstraints_mat_apply : (ofConstraints cs).mat i = (cs.bind toExtendedRows)[i].1 := rfl

lemma ofConstraints_vec_apply : (ofConstraints cs).vec i = (cs.bind toExtendedRows)[i].2 := rfl

@[simp] lemma ofConstraints_apply_eq_lemma
: let s := ofConstraints cs
s.mat i = y ∧ s.vec i = b ↔ (cs.bind toExtendedRows)[i] = (y, b) := by
simp only [ofConstraints_mat_apply, ofConstraints_vec_apply]

macro "linear_constraint_lemma_tac" h:ident : tactic =>
simp_rw [ofConstraints_apply_eq_lemma]
<;> exact $ List.mem_bind.mpr ⟨_, $h, by simp [toExtendedRows]⟩)

private lemma le_lemma (h : ⟨y, Comparator.le, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs; ∃ i, s.mat i = y ∧ s.vec i = b := by
linear_constraint_lemma_tac h

private lemma ge_lemma (h : ⟨y,, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs; ∃ i, -(s.mat i) = y ∧ -(s.vec i) = b := by
simp_rw [neg_eq_iff_eq_neg]
linear_constraint_lemma_tac h

private lemma eq_lemma (h : ⟨y, Comparator.eq, b⟩ ∈ cs)
: let s := ofConstraints cs;
(∃ i, s.mat i = y ∧ s.vec i = b) ∧ (∃ i, -(s.mat i) = y ∧ -(s.vec i) = b) := by
simp_rw [neg_eq_iff_eq_neg]
constructor <;> linear_constraint_lemma_tac h
@[simp] lemma ofConstraints_nil
: (@ofConstraints 𝔽 _ n []) = of vecEmpty vecEmpty := rfl

theorem mem_ofConstraints_nil_solutions : x ∈ (@ofConstraints 𝔽 _ n []).solutions := by simp

@[simp] private lemma vecCons_mulVec
{m n : ℕ} (y : Fin n → 𝔽) (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽) (x : Fin n → 𝔽)
: vecCons y A *ᵥ x = vecCons (y ⬝ᵥ x) (A *ᵥ x) := by
funext x
cases x using Fin.cases <;> rfl

@[simp] private lemma vecCons_le_vecCons {n : ℕ} (a b : 𝔽) (x y : Fin n → 𝔽)
: vecCons a x ≤ vecCons b y ↔ a ≤ b ∧ x ≤ y := by
simp_rw [Pi.le_def]
constructor <;> intro h
. constructor
. exact h 0
. intro i
exact h i.succ
. intro i
cases i using Fin.cases
. simp only [cons_val_zero, h.1]
. simp only [cons_val_succ, h.2]

@[simp] lemma mem_ofConstraints_cons_solutions
: x ∈ (@ofConstraints 𝔽 _ n $ c :: cs).solutions ↔
c.valid x ∧ x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).solutions := by
simp only [solutions, Set.mem_setOf_eq, valid, ge_iff_le]
rw [ofConstraints]
split <;> simp [le_antisymm_iff, and_assoc]

@[simp] lemma ofConstraints_le_cons
: (ofConstraints $ le y b :: cs) = cons y b (ofConstraints cs) := by

@[simp] lemma ofConstraints_ge_cons
: (ofConstraints $ ge y b :: cs) = cons (-y) (-b) (ofConstraints cs) := by

@[simp] lemma ofConstraints_eq_cons
: (ofConstraints $ eq y b :: cs) =
cons y b (cons (-y) (-b) $ ofConstraints cs) := by

@[simp] theorem mem_solutions_ofConstraints (x : Fin n → 𝔽)
: x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).solutions ↔ ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x := by
let rows := cs.bind toExtendedRows
. show x ∈ (ofConstraints cs).solutions → ∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid _
intro h ⟨y, cmp, b⟩ mem_cs
cases cmp
case' le => have ⟨_, hy, hb⟩ := le_lemma mem_cs
case' ge => have ⟨_, hy, hb⟩ := ge_lemma mem_cs
case' eq =>
rw [eq_valid_iff]
case' left => have ⟨_, hy, hb⟩ := (eq_lemma mem_cs).1
case' right => have ⟨_, hy, hb⟩ := (eq_lemma mem_cs).2
all_goals subst hy hb
case le | eq.left =>
apply h
case ge | eq.right =>
simp_rw [ge_valid, neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff]
apply h
. show (∀ c ∈ cs, c.valid x) → ∀ (i : Fin rows.length), rows[i].1 ⬝ᵥ _ ≤ rows[i].2
intro h i
have : rows[i] ∈ rows := List.get_mem rows i i.prop
have ⟨⟨y, cmp, b⟩, mem_cs, h'⟩ := this
have c_valid := h _ mem_cs
cases cmp
case' eq =>
rw [eq_valid_iff] at c_valid
rw [toExtendedRows, List.mem_pair] at h'
cases h'
case le | eq.inl =>
rw [le_valid] at c_valid
simp_all only [toExtendedRows, List.mem_singleton]
case ge | eq.inr =>
rw [ge_valid] at c_valid
simp_all only [toExtendedRows, List.mem_singleton, neg_dotProduct, neg_le_neg_iff]
induction cs
case nil =>
case cons c cs ih =>
simp only [mem_ofConstraints_cons_solutions, List.forall_mem_cons, ih]

/-- The set of solutions of a linear system of constraints is the set of all points that satisfy
all constraints. -/
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/Polyhedron/Notation.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open Matrix LinearSystem

variable {𝔽} [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] {n : ℕ}

open Lean.Parser Lean.Elab.Term LinearConstraint.Comparator
open Lean.Parser Lean.Elab.Term

@[inherit_doc ofLinearSystem]
scoped notation:max (name := matVecPolyhedron) "P(" A " , " b ")" => ofLinearSystem $ of A b
Expand All @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ macro_rules
| `(!P[$t^$n]{$[$constraints],*}) => `((!P{$constraints,*} : Polyhedron $t $n))
| `(!P{$[$constraints],*}) => do
let constraints ← constraints.mapM (fun
| `(linConstraint| $x:term ≤ $y:term) => `(⟨$x, le, $y⟩)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term <= $y:term) => `(⟨$x, le, $y⟩)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term = $y:term) => `(⟨$x, eq, $y⟩)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term ≥ $y:term) => `(⟨$x, ge, $y⟩)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term >= $y:term) => `(⟨$x, ge, $y⟩)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term ≤ $y:term) => `(LinearConstraint.le $x $y)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term <= $y:term) => `(LinearConstraint.le $x $y)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term = $y:term) => `(LinearConstraint.eq $x $y)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term ≥ $y:term) => `( $x $y)
| `(linConstraint| $x:term >= $y:term) => `( $x $y)
| _ => Lean.Macro.throwUnsupported)
`(ofLinearSystem $ ofConstraints [$constraints,*])

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PolyhedralCombinatorics/Polyhedron/Projection.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ theorem mem_fourierMotzkin (p : Polyhedron 𝔽 n) (j : Fin n) :
x ∈ p.fourierMotzkin j ↔ x j = 0 ∧ ∃ (α : 𝔽), x + Pi.single j α ∈ p := by
simp_rw [
fourierMotzkin, mem_projection, mem_ofConstraints,
List.mem_singleton, forall_eq, LinearConstraint.eq_valid,
List.mem_singleton, forall_eq, LinearConstraint.valid,
single_dotProduct, one_mul, and_congr_right_iff,
←Pi.single_smul, smul_eq_mul, mul_one, implies_true
Expand Down

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