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GuiBrandt committed Aug 30, 2024
1 parent 1f8bb04 commit 95c056e
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Showing 9 changed files with 329 additions and 207 deletions.
63 changes: 57 additions & 6 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/Basic.lean
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@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
import PolyhedralCombinatorics.LinearSystem.Defs

import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convex.Basic

# Theorems about linear systems
# Linear systems
This file defines basic properties of linear systems.
Linear systems of `n` variables over a linear ordered field `𝔽` are represented
with `LinearSystem 𝔽 n`.
This file contains theorems about linear systems.
## Main definitions
* `LinearSystem`: The type of linear systems.
* `LinearSystem.of`: The linear system defined by a `m × n` coefficient matrix
and an `m × 1` column vector.
* `LinearSystem.concat`: Concatenation of linear systems.
* ``: Set of solutions of a linear system.
## Main results
Expand All @@ -14,12 +24,53 @@ This file contains theorems about linear systems.
* `LinearSystem.solutions_convex`: The set of solutions of a linear system is convex.

(𝔽 : Type*) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] -- Field type
(n : ℕ) -- Dimension of the space

/-- `LinearSystem 𝔽 n` is the type of linear systems of inequalities in `𝔽^n`, where `𝔽` is a
linear ordered field. -/
structure LinearSystem where
/-- Number of inequalities in the system. -/
m : ℕ
/-- Coefficient matrix of the system. -/
mat : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽
/-- Column-vector of the system's right-hand side. -/
vec : Fin m → 𝔽

namespace LinearSystem
open Matrix

variable {𝔽 n} [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)
variable {𝔽 m n} (p q : LinearSystem 𝔽 n)

open Matrix
/-- Constructs a linear system defined by a `m × n` coefficient matrix `A` and an `m × 1` column
vector `b`. -/
abbrev of (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽) (b : Fin m → 𝔽) : LinearSystem 𝔽 n := ⟨m, A, b⟩

/-- The concatenation of two linear systems. -/
def concat : LinearSystem 𝔽 n :=
m := p.m + q.m,
mat := Matrix.of fun i j ↦
if h : i < p.m then
p.mat ⟨i, h⟩ j
q.mat ⟨i - p.m, Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add ( h) i.prop⟩ j
vec := fun i ↦
if h : i < p.m then
p.vec ⟨i, h⟩
q.vec ⟨i - p.m, Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add ( h) i.prop⟩

/-- The set of solutions of the linear system. -/
@[simp] def solutions : Set (Fin n → 𝔽) := { x | p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec }

/-- Two linear systems are said to be equivalent when their sets of solutions are equal. -/
instance : HasEquiv (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) := ⟨(·.solutions = ·.solutions)⟩

instance isSetoid (𝔽 n) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] : Setoid (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) :=
⟨instHasEquiv.Equiv, fun _ ↦ rfl, Eq.symm, Eq.trans⟩

@[simp] lemma mem_solutions : x ∈ ↔ p.mat *ᵥ x ≤ p.vec := Set.mem_setOf

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67 changes: 0 additions & 67 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/LinearSystem/Defs.lean

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120 changes: 98 additions & 22 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/Polyhedron/Basic.lean
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@@ -1,42 +1,117 @@
import PolyhedralCombinatorics.Polyhedron.Defs
import PolyhedralCombinatorics.LinearSystem.LinearConstraints

import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Notation
import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Group.Constructions -- Vector (Pi type) norm

# Polyhedra
This defines basic properties of polyhedra.
Polyhedra in `n` dimensions over a linear ordered field `𝔽` are represented
with `Polhedron 𝔽 n`.
## Main definitions
* `Polyhedron`: The type of polyhedra.
* `Polyhedron.ofLinearSystem`: The polyhedron defined by a linear system.
## Main results
* `Polyhedron.toSet_convex`: The set of points of a polyhedron is convex.

/-- `Polyhedron 𝔽 n` is the type of polyhedra in `𝔽^n`, where `𝔽` is a linear ordered field. -/
def Polyhedron (𝔽 : Type u₁) [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] (n : ℕ) := Quotient (LinearSystem.isSetoid 𝔽 n)

namespace Polyhedron
open Matrix LinearSystem

variable {𝔽} [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] {n : ℕ} (p q r : Polyhedron 𝔽 n)
variable {𝔽} [LinearOrderedField 𝔽] {n} (p q r : Polyhedron 𝔽 n)

/-- Notation for the polyhedron `{ x ∈ 𝔽^n | A x ≤ b }` -/
@[coe] def ofLinearSystem : LinearSystem 𝔽 n → Polyhedron 𝔽 n := _

instance : Coe (LinearSystem 𝔽 n) (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨ofLinearSystem⟩

/-- The set of points in `p`. -/
@[coe] def toSet : Set (Fin n → 𝔽) := Quotient.lift solutions (fun _ _ ↦ id) p

instance instCoeSet : Coe (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) (Set (Fin n → 𝔽)) := ⟨toSet⟩

@[simp] theorem toSet_ofLinearSystem {d : LinearSystem 𝔽 n} : (ofLinearSystem d).toSet = := rfl

@[simp] theorem empty_toSet : (∅ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n).toSet = ∅ := by
change empty.toSet = ∅
simp [empty, Set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem, Pi.le_def]
theorem toSet_inj {p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} : p.toSet = q.toSet ↔ p = q := by
constructor <;> intro h
. induction p, q using Quotient.ind₂
rename_i p q
rw [Quotient.eq]
show =
simp_all only [toSet, Quotient.lift_mk]
. subst h

/-- Membership in a polyhedron. -/
abbrev Mem (x : Fin n → 𝔽) (p : Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := x ∈ p.toSet

instance instMembership : Membership (Fin n → 𝔽) (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨Mem⟩

theorem mem_def : x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ p.toSet := Iff.rfl

@[ext] theorem ext {p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} : (∀ x, x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ q) → p = q := ∘ Set.ext

@[simp] theorem mem_ofLinearSystem {d : LinearSystem 𝔽 n}
: x ∈ ofLinearSystem d ↔ x ∈ := by
simp_rw [mem_def, ofLinearSystem, toSet, Quotient.lift_mk]

@[simp] theorem mem_ofLinearSystem_of {m} {A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) 𝔽} {b : Fin m → 𝔽}
: x ∈ ofLinearSystem (of A b) ↔ A *ᵥ x ≤ b := by
simp_rw [mem_ofLinearSystem, mem_solutions]

/-- A polyhedron `P` is a polytope when it is limited, i.e. every point `x ∈ P`
satisfies `‖x‖ ≤ α` for some `α`. -/
def IsPolytope [Norm (Fin n → 𝔽)] := ∃ α, ∀ x ∈ p, ‖x‖ ≤ α

example : Polyhedron 𝔽 2 :=
let A : Matrix (Fin 4) (Fin 2) 𝔽 :=
!![ 1, -1;
-1, -1;
1, 0;
0, 1]
let b : Fin 4 → 𝔽 := ![-2, -2, 4, 4]
of A b

/-- The empty polyhedron (`∅`). -/
def empty : Polyhedron 𝔽 n := of (0 : Matrix (Fin 1) (Fin n) 𝔽) ![-1]

instance : EmptyCollection (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨empty⟩

instance : Bot (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨empty⟩

/-- The universe polyhedron (`𝔽^n`). -/
def univ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n := ofLinearSystem $ of 0 ![]
instance : Top (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨univ⟩

@[simp] theorem empty_toSet : (∅ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n).toSet = ∅ := by
change empty.toSet = ∅
simp [empty, Set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem, Pi.le_def]

/-- The empty polyhedron has no points. -/
theorem not_mem_empty : ∀ x, x ∉ (∅ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := by simp [mem_def]

theorem eq_empty_iff : p = ∅ ↔ ∀ x, x ∉ p := by
constructor <;> intro h
. subst h
apply not_mem_empty
. ext x
simp_rw [h, not_mem_empty]

@[simp] theorem univ_toSet : (⊤ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n).toSet = Set.univ := by
show univ.toSet = Set.univ
simp [univ]

/-- The empty polyhedron contains all points. -/
theorem mem_univ : ∀ x, x ∈ (⊤ : Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := by simp [mem_def]

theorem toSet_inj {p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} : p.toSet = q.toSet ↔ p = q := by
constructor <;> intro h
. induction p, q using Quotient.ind₂
rename_i p q
rw [Quotient.eq]
show =
simp_all only [toSet, Quotient.lift_mk]
. subst h

@[simp] theorem ofLinearSystem_eq_ofLinearSystem {d d' : LinearSystem 𝔽 n}
: ofLinearSystem d = ofLinearSystem d' ↔ = d'.solutions := by
simp_rw [←toSet_inj, ofLinearSystem, toSet, Quotient.lift_mk]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,27 +140,23 @@ def inter : Polyhedron 𝔽 n → Polyhedron 𝔽 n → Polyhedron 𝔽 n :=

instance : Inter (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨inter⟩

theorem ext_iff {p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} : p = q ↔ (∀ x, x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ q) := by
rw [←toSet_inj]
exact Set.ext_iff

@[simp] theorem toSet_inter : (p ∩ q).toSet = p.toSet ∩ q.toSet :=
Quotient.inductionOn₂ p q solutions_concat

@[simp] theorem mem_inter {p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} {x : Fin n → 𝔽} : x ∈ p ∩ q ↔ x ∈ p ∧ x ∈ q := by
induction p, q using Quotient.ind₂
simp only [mem_def, toSet_inter, Set.mem_inter_iff]

abbrev Subset : Polyhedron 𝔽 n → Polyhedron 𝔽 n Prop := (·.toSet ⊆ ·.toSet)
abbrev Subset (p q : Polyhedron 𝔽 n) : Prop := ∀ ⦃x⦄, x ∈ p → x ∈ q

def Subset.refl : Subset p p := subset_refl p.toSet

def Subset.rfl {p : Polyhedron 𝔽 n} : Subset p p := refl p

@[trans] def Subset.trans : Subset p q → Subset q r → Subset p r :=
def Subset.trans (p q r: Polyhedron 𝔽 n) : Subset p q → Subset q r → Subset p r :=

@[trans] def Subset.antisymm (pq : Subset p q) (qp : Subset q p) : p = q :=
def Subset.antisymm (pq : Subset p q) (qp : Subset q p) : p = q := $ subset_antisymm pq qp

instance : HasSubset (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) := ⟨Subset⟩
Expand All @@ -103,6 +174,11 @@ theorem inter_subset_right : p ∩ q ⊆ q := fun _ h ↦ And.right $ mem_inter.
theorem subset_inter (pq : p ⊆ q) (qr : p ⊆ r) : p ⊆ q ∩ r :=
fun _ hx ↦ mem_inter.mpr $ And.intro (pq hx) (qr hx)

instance : IsPartialOrder (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) (· ⊆ ·) where
refl := Subset.refl
trans := Subset.trans
antisymm := Subset.antisymm

instance : SemilatticeInf (Polyhedron 𝔽 n) where
inf := (· ∩ ·)
le := (· ⊆ ·)
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57 changes: 0 additions & 57 deletions PolyhedralCombinatorics/Polyhedron/Defs.lean

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