CLI for Nullstack fed by Nulla-chan powers and will.
Before calling Nulla you need a Nullstack project.
Run Nulla in it's root, or adding to your scripts
in package.json.
Nulla can understand a series of commands, which currently are:
npx nulla -v # shows Nulla version
npx nulla -h # shows help information
# Generates deploy files
npx nulla new-ci vercel
# The same as above, but for Heroku
npx nulla new-ci heroku
# Create a new project using TSX
npx nulla create --ts
# Create a new project based on a template/example
npx nulla create --example active-class-name
# Same as above, but using any repo link with a *package.json*
npx nulla create --example
# Learn more about "nulla create" running:
npx nulla create -h
You can also install it globally for the future:
npm install nulla -g # using npm
yarn global add nulla # or, using Yarn
with it installed, you can directly run, like:
nulla --help