A wrapper component to make using Plaid Link easy in Angular 6+.
This has been tested to work in at least 1 Angular 5 app as well
$ npm install ngx-plaid-link
$ yarn add ngx-plaid-link
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { NgxPlaidLinkModule } from "ngx-plaid-link";
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, NgxPlaidLinkModule],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
<button ngxPlaidLink
[countryCodes]="['US', 'CA', 'GB']"
>Link Your Bank Account</button>
[countryCodes]="['US', 'CA', 'GB']"
buttonText="Link Your Bank Account"
Since most of the functionality is through the service you can imlpement this yourself to customize to your needs further.
import { Component, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "ngx-plaid-link";
export class ComponentThatImplementsPlaidLink implements AfterViewInit {
private plaidLinkHandler: PlaidLinkHandler;
private config: PlaidConfig = {
apiVersion: "v2",
env: "sandbox",
institution: null,
selectAccount: false,
token: null,
webhook: "",
product: ["auth"],
countryCodes: ['US', 'CA', 'GB']
constructor(private plaidLinkService: NgxPlaidLinkService) {}
// Create and open programatically once the library is loaded.
ngAfterViewInit() {
Object.assign({}, config, {
onSuccess: (token, metadata) => this.onSuccess(token, metadata),
onExit: (error, metadata) => this.onExit(error, metadata),
onEvent: (eventName, metadata) => this.onEvent(eventName, metadata)
.then((handler: PlaidLinkHandler) => {
this.plaidLinkHandler = handler;
open() {
exit() {
onSuccess(token, metadata) {
console.log("We got a token:", token);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
onEvent(eventName, metadata) {
console.log("We got an event:", eventName);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
onExit(error, metadata) {
console.log("We exited:", error);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
This is all there in the types, but here they are for convenience.
Attribute/prop | input/output | optional/required | Type | Default | Description |
apiVersion | input | optional | string | v2 | The version of the Plaid Link api to use |
buttonText | input | optional | string | Log In To Your Bank Account |
You can customize the text on the button by providing text here. |
className | input | optional | string | null | A class or classes to apply to the button inside the component |
clientName | input | required | string | null | The name of your application, gets used in the Plaid Link UI. |
countryCodes | input | optional | string[] | ['US'] | An array of strings of Plaid supported country codes |
env | input | optional | string | sandbox | Can be one of available plaid environments: sandbox , development , or production |
institution | input | optional | string | null | If you want to launch a specific institution |
product | input | optional | string[] | ['auth'] | An array of the names of the products you'd like to authorize. Available options are transactions , auth , and identity . |
publicKey | input | conditional | string | null | The key (publiKey) parameter in PlaidLink create is deprecated. The public key from your Plaid account Make sure it's the public key and not the private key |
token | input | conditional | string | null | If you're using link_tokens this field is required and will be the link_token. If you're still using the public key (legacy), then this field is optional and is for if you are re-authenticating or updating an item that has previously been linked. |
style | input | optional | object | An object of styles | An ngStyle object that can be used to apply styles and customize the plaid link button to match your app. |
selectAccount | input | optional | boolean | false | Setting this to TRUE will allow the user to select their bank account from a list through the plaid modal. FALSE does not show the account list prompt. |
webhook | input | optional | string | null | You can provide a webhook for each item that Plaid will send events to. |
receivedRedirectUri | input | optional | string | null | A receivedRedirectUri is required to support OAuth authentication flows when re-launching Link on a mobile device and using one or more European country codes. In addition to configuring the URI here, you will also need to enable the URI on the developer dashboard. |
isWebview | input | optional | boolean | false | Set to true if launching Link within a WebView. |
Exit | output | required | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onExit function to your component |
Success | output | required | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onSuccess function to your component |
Click | output | optional | function | n/a | Lets you act on the event when the button is clicked |
Event | output | optional | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onEvent function to your component |
Load | output | optional | function | n/a | Lets you act on the event when the Plaid Link stuff is all loaded |
Coming soon...