The backend has already been developed for this project, my goal is to dynamically integrate API elements into the different web pages with JavaScript.
⭐ Fetch Method, GET, POST requests
⭐ setAttribute(name, value), appendChild(), createElement()
⭐ localStorage.getItem(), localStorage.setItem(), JSON.parse(), JSON.stringify()
⭐, urlSearchParams.get
⭐ regular expressions
You will need to have Node and npm
installed locally on your machine.
Clone this repo. From the "back" folder of the project, run npm install
. You
can then run the server with node server
The server should run on localhost
with default port 3000
. If the
server runs on another port for any reason, this is printed to the
console when the server starts, e.g. Listening on port 3001
First be sure whether you have "live server" extension. If you have it, right click index.html file in your text editor and click "Open with live server".