- Creating a logical data model and translating it into the API
- Ipmlementing CRUD fonctionalty, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
- Storing data in a database, I choosed mongoDB
- Protecting data stored on an app (OWASP/RGPD)
- Creating a user, verifying and securing the user's session
- Creating a component design system using a framework js, I choosed Vue.js
✏️Node.js ✏️Express ✏️MongoDB ✏️Vue.js ✏️VueCLI ✏️CSS ✏️Bootstrap ✏️API REST
Open a terminal at the root of the project
Run the following command to reach the directory "backend"
cd backend
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Create a "images" folder in the "backend" folder (whose name must be "images")
- Create a project in mongoDB, specify a user with a specific username and password, and create a cluster
- Create a file .env likes the file .env.example and write the following informations using your own data in this file
DB_USERNAME="your mongoDB project user name"
DB_PWD="your mongoDB project user password"
DB_CLUSTER="your mongoDB cluster name"
JWT_KEY_TOKEN="Create an API token"
- In this file, write your own MongoDB project user name, password and cluster name
- Generate your own API token and write it also in the file .env for JWT_KEY_TOKEN
- Run backend server with this command
npm start
Open a terminal at the root of the project
Run the following command to reach the directory "frontend"
cd frontend
- Install the Dependencies
npm install
- Run frontend server with this command
npm run serve
- Type the following URL in your browser to reach the application
Password must be 6 characters:
⭐ 1 uppercase letter ⭐ 1 lowercase letter ⭐ 1 special character ⭐ 3 digits