Extendable, programmable animator system that does not rely on Unity Animators.
- Install/Add VRChat World SDK 3.7 to your project
- Install/Add CyanPlayerObjectPool to your project: https://cyanlaser.github.io/CyanPlayerObjectPool/
- Install/Add TLP UdonUiAnimators to your project: https://guribo.github.io/TLP/
- Add
prefab to your scene to get the core components- TLPLogger - for logging anything TLP related
- WorldVersionCheck - Warns users if a player with a new world version joins
- TLPNetworkTime - Much more accurate VRC network time provider (sub-millisecond accuracy)
This package is versioned using Semantic Version.
The used pattern MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH indicates:
- MAJOR version: incompatible API changes occurred
- Implication: after updating backup, check and update your scenes/scripts as needed
- MINOR version: new functionality has been added in a backward compatible manner
- Implication: after updating check and update your usages if needed
- PATCH version: backward compatible bug fixes were implemented
- Implication: after updating remove potential workarounds you added
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Remove redundant code
- Bump version
- Deterministic execution order
- Support UdonUtils 9.0, update Readme
- Support UdonUtils 8.2.0
- Bump version
- Migrate to UdonUtils 8.1
- Migrate to UdonUtils 6.1, com.vrchat.worlds 3.6.x as well as Unity 2022.3.22
- Update assembly definitions after vrc sdk updates
- Update to Unity 2022.3
- Migrate to UdonUtils 3.0.0
- Pause behavior
- Fix release target branch
- Bump version
- Move from https://gitlab.com/vrc-archive/udon/tlp
- Update tribes scene, create leaderboard prefab
- Update profiler ui, update leaderboard scene
- Reduce type spam in logs, add execution order to logs
- Add comparer creation, update exectionorders, move pooleable code to base behaviour
- Add new data source using leaderboard model
- Play first frame on play
- Have entry synchronizer get notified when an entry changes
- Have synchronizer attach entry to dirty root
- Update after restructure
- Update UVU exporter and readme
- Update namespaces
- Update assets
- Convert to package structure
- Update tests to use TestWithLogger, reduce log spam