A web service that visualizes your running records like GitHub's contribution graph.
Landing Page | Main Video |
Login Page | Profile Page |
Light Mode | Dark Mode |
Light Mode | Dark Mode |
- Running Statistics Visualization
- Display running records in a calendar format like GitHub's contribution graph
- Provide monthly and yearly running statistics
- Strava Integration
- Easy login with Strava account
- Real-time running data synchronization
- Image Sharing
- Save running records as images
- Social media sharing functionality
- Running Goal Management
- Set personal running goals
- Real-time goal achievement tracking
- Dark Mode
- Automatic theme switching based on system settings
- Manual theme toggle support
- Next.js - React Framework
- Tailwind CSS - CSS Framework
- Shadcn UI - UI Component Library
- Lucide - Icon Library
- React Query - Server State Management
- Zustand - Client State Management
- React Error Boundary - Error Handling
- Strava API - Running Data Integration