Documentation on how to instal and use SMAP can be found in the docs folders or here
This repository contains the SMAP pipeline.
This svn archive will contain the SMAP code base.
Created: April 23, 2009, MZ, described fundamental svn commands.
Mod: May 7, 2009, AC/MZ, A template idl startup file is in the main directory called was added, added explanation of directory structure to readme.
Mod: July 13, 2020, Added HELP logo, put README file in the parent directory, and added some hyperlinks.
Mod: December 2020, Created Documentation pages
Mod: March 15 2021, add link to documentation in README
To checkout code from repository:
cd /home/user/spireroot svn checkout svn://
You will need an account on the spire cluster for this to work.
To update local copy with latest version from repository: (in smap_pipeline)
svn update smap_pipeline
To commit local changes to the repository: (in smap_pipeline)
svn commit -m "log message"
To get status of project in repository: (in smap_pipeline)
svn stat smap_pipeline or svn stat -verbose smap_pipeline
To add new files to the repository: (in smap_pipeline)
svn add file_name
To rename files in the repository: (in smap_pipeline)
svn rename old_file_name new_file_name
For more info this is a useful little tutorial
The architectural philosophy of the archive is to make major subdirectory divisions along the lines of data products. Here are the preliminary divisions, embodied as directories in smap_pipeline:
powerspec: programs making power spectra from time streams or taking power spectra and converting them back to time streams
timestream_analysis: programs that function purely on the time series, for example source extraction, noise estimation, simple filtering, and so on
mapmaking: a catchall directory for programs that take time series and convert them into maps
map_analysis: for programs that operate purely on maps, e.g. map point source remove, catalog generator, map correlation functions.
util: programs of general use, e.g. reading time series in, making generic map headers, and so on.
sed: basic SED fitting code (mostly greybody fits)
In addition, the idl astrolib and mpfit libraries have been included as part of the archive as their functionality is required and my not be previously installed on user's machines.
Created with sphinx (requires Python install) and cna be found here