Minor Scripting Voor Designers (richard.holleman@han.nl)
The folder breadboard_tester contains an Arduino test project for hardware with only a magnet sensor. The folder breadboard_tester_with_vol contains an Arduino test project for hardware with a magnet and volume sensor.
The s4d_breadboard.h is compatible with multiple hardware versions and with a simulation. To switch between the different options, there are two macros: SIMULATION and HW_VERSION2.
For the first version of hardware comment out both macros, so it looks-like:
//#define SIMULATION
//#define HW_VERSION2
For the second version of hardware uncomment the HW_VERSION2 macro, so it looks-like:
//#define SIMULATION
#define HW_VERSION2
For the simulation uncomment the SIMULATION macro, so it looks-like:
//#define HW_VERSION2
Below the pin names for the S4D board. Use these pin names with Arduino commands like analogRead(), digitalRead(), analogWrite() and digitalWrite().
LIGHTSENSOR //only in simulation
Use the following function to initialize the breadboard. Always call this in your setup() function when using the breadboard or simulation.
Use the following functions to check of a button is pressed.
Use the following function to get the sound volume in decibel.
Use the following function to play a tone on the buzzer.
playTone( frequency, duration ) // duration is in milliseconds
Use the following functions to print text to the OLED display or serial monitor (default in simulation).
OLED.clear() // Removes all pixels from the screen.
OLED.copyToSerial() // Everything printed to OLED will also be sent to the Serial Monitor.
LED.print( value ) // Shows a value (text, number) on the screen.
OLED.print( string, value ) // You can add a label or message before the value.
OLED.printTop( value ) // Prints a smaller line in the upper half of the screen.
OLED.printTop( string, value ) // You can add a label or message before the value.
OLED.printBottom( value ) // Prints a smaller line in the lower half of the screen.
OLED.printBottom( string, value ) // You can add a label or message before the value.