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DeCovA requires at least R and bedtools/GATK softwares to be installed; additionnally, it can use picard-tools (for deduplication), samtools (for mapq filter), and GATK (alternatively to bedtools; required if a base-q filter is needed; GATK is also aware of pair reads overlap). The script will first attempt to run programs installed as root with the following names: samtools, bedtools, picard-tools, GenomeAnalysisTK; if not found, it will try to find them according to the paths provided in the command-line.

DeCovA also requires perl modules: IO::Compress::Gzip.

An annotation file needs to be provided (-r option), for all the options that use gene coordinates: UCSC refgene.txt or Ensembl .gtf/gff files are OK.




DeCovA can be executed via command-line execution of the main perl script:

perl path/to/DeCovA/bin/DeCovA [options]

the script can be changed to executable:

chmod 755 path/to/DeCovA/bin/DeCovA

then the command is :

./path/to/DeCovA/bin/DeCovA [options]

The DeCovA script directory can be added to the $PATH :

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/home/me/path/to/DeCovA/bin/DeCovA' >> /home/me/.bashrc

then the command is only :

DeCovA [options]

DeCovA can also be installed:

cd path/to/DeCovA/
perl Makefile.PL

then, as root:

sudo make install

then just enter

DeCovA [options]

List of parameters


​ -f / --file [file]: list of bam files (comma separated, or set several times)

​ -F / --fList [file]: file with such a list of bam files (one bam per line)

​ -d / --dir [dir]: directory(ies) where to find bam files (comma separated, or set several times)

​ -s / --suffix [str]: suffix to add before opening bam files

​ -r / --ref [file]: gene annotation file (can be .gz)

​ --fmt [gtf/gff3/ucsc] : gene annotation file format (ucsc <=> UCSC refGene) ; if not provided, determined from extension (txt => UCSC refGene)

​ -b / --bed [file]: bed file, used to analyse depth coverage

​ -m / --mut [file]: mut file, used to plot known mutations ; format: "chrpos(1-based)info" (vcf files are ok ; can be .gz)

​ -i / --id [str]: list of of genes/transcripts ids (comma separated, or set several times)

​ -I / --idList [file]: file with a list of of genes/transcripts ids (one id per line)

​ -g / --genome [file]: path to genome.fa file, if available (required if using GATK)

​ --sex_file [file]: format: patientsex

​ --raw_cov [file]: use this coverage tool output .cov file (to skip bam analysis)

​ --bed_cov [file]: use this DeCovA's output .cov.txt file (to skip cov bed analysis in CNV detect)


​ -O / --outdir [dir]: out directory (default: folder named with date)

​ -S / --graphSum : will perform graphSums (sum of covered samples by position)

​ -A / --allSample : will perform graphAllSample (depthline by gene and by sample, all samples graph on same .png file)

​ -X / --bySample : will perform graphBySample (depthline by gene and by sample, one sample by .png file)

​ -M / --noDepthMut : does not print, foreach file, depth at known mutations provided by opt -m (default: yes if -opt m)

​ -P / --covPlot : will perform covPlots

​ -B / --covBed : will output cov of bed intervals

​ -C / --CNV : will output CNV foreach bed intervals

​ --Reseq : [float,0-1] : print bed interval if cov < value (def: do not print)

​ --geneReport : will print all uncovered genomic intervals (within gene region) in 1 txt file per sample (default: no)

​ --bedReport : will print all uncovered intervals (within bed intervals) in 1 txt file per sample (default: no)

​ --summary [Y/N] : to print summary txt file (default: yes if -S -A -X)

​ -k / --keepCov : do not erase coverage file at the end of the process

​ -K / --keepBed : do not erase bed file inferred from gene list, at the end of the process (and eventually rename)


*gene/transcript regions analysis param.:

​ -N / --nonCoding : analyse also Non coding transcripts (default: no)

​ -U / --noUTR : does not take into account UTR regions, for graphs (default: yes)

​ -u / --noUTRinTxt : does not take into account UTR regions, for summary txt file and plots (default: yes)

​ -t / --depthThreshold [int]: depth thresholds (comma separated, or set several times)

​ -T / --printThreshold [int]: depth threshold used for txt outputs (must be one of those in opt -t; default : the smallest one)

​ --noGraphThreshold : all graphs will be printed, whatever the coverage (default: only the genes not fully covered at threshold in -opt -T will be drawn)

​ --noAllTranscripts : does not print All transcripts on same file, in graphBySample (default: yes)

​ --maxDepth [int]: max depth value when printing graph (optional)

​ -l / --expand2val [int]: length to add at each ends of exons, on graphs (default: 0) ; or [int1,int2] : lengths to add in 5' and 3'

​ --UDstream [int]: length to add at each ends of genes, on graphs ; or [int1,int2] : lengths to add upstram and downstream

​ --splitBedFromId : if padding creates overlapping exons, take the mid between them (for report)

​ --mergeBedFromId : merge overlapping exons

​ -L / --expand2bed : expand length of gene analysed regions to bed coord, if -l < bed , on graphs (default: no)

​ --Ltxt [+/-int]: does take into account expanded length (from -l and -L) for txt outputs (default: no), or add a different length

​ --UDtxt [+/-int]: does take into account up/downStream length for txt outputs (default: no), or add a different length

​ -R / --noReverse : does not reverse regions if sens of transcript = (-) (default: yes)

​ --nGraph : max nber of graphs per sheet (default : all samples or all transcripts)

*plot param:

​ --binPlot [int]: bin width for covPlot (default=10)

​ --maxPlot [int]: max depth for covPlot (default=100)

​ --genePlot : will perform plots for regions extracted from genes coord, not only for bed intervals (default: no)

​ --interPlot : will produce intersection covPlot (default: no)

*bam filters

​ --dedup : do not take in account dup reads (default keep all reads; enter "do" to perform Picard deduplication)

​ --mbq : minimum base quality (default 0; requires gatk)

​ --mmq : minimum mapping quality (default 0)

*cov_bed param:

​ --cov_fields [min/max/tot/mean/median/cov]: fields foreach intervals in covBed (comma separated) (default: min,mean,cov)

​ --Lbed [int]: length added out of bed interval ends (default: 0)

​ --split_bed : splits overlapping bed intervals for Cov and CNV analyses

​ --no_overlap_bed : removes overlapping bed intervals for Cov and CNV analyses

​ --cut_bed [+/-cutL:x,minL:y,maxL:z,keepLast:s]: cut bed intervals in shorter fragments:

​ cutL : length of segmentation (def: 150)

​ minL : min length required to keep the last interval, after segmentation (def: --cutL/2)

​ maxL : length above which bed intervals will be segmented, in N segments of "cutL" length (def: as --cutL)

​ keepLast : if last interval shorter than minL :

​ enter m (merge) if want that last two ones are simply merged

​ enter h (half) if want that last two ones are output with length = half of their sum

​ enter n if want to through it out

​ --reAnnot_bed : removes and replaces 4th column of bed file with gene info (optional args: g,t,e,i,o : indicates to annotate with gene/transcript/exon/intron/intergenic infos; default: all)

CNV_detect param:

--level2 : "avg"/"med" : use average/median as center of depths of a region (def: med)(if spread2 is set, level2 is unset, unless explicitedly)

--spread2 : "std"/"qtile" : use standard deviation/deviation from quartile as dispersion of depths of a region (def: none)(std forces avg, qtile forces med)

​ --level_del [float [0-1]] (def: 0.8)

​ --level_dup [float >1] (def: 1.2)

​ --spread_del [float <0] (def: none)

​ --spread_dup [float >0] (def: none)

​ --range [float]: samples kept for avg-std calculation if within mediane+/-range*quartile (def: none, ie all samples used)

​ --highQual [li:float/ls:float/si:float/ss:float/c:int]: flag as high qual if one of following criteria, comma separated : li=level inf, ls=level sup, si=spread inf, ss=spread sup, c=consecutive ; ex : li:0.25,ls:1.75,si:-5,ss:5,c:2

​ --ex_region [float [0-1]] : region excluded from analysis if CNVs/N_samples >value (def: 1)

​ --ex_sample [float [0-1]] : sample excluded from analysis if CNVs/N_regions >value (def: 1)

​ --ex_cov [float [0-1]] : region excluded from analysis if none of the samples have cov >=value (def: 0)

​ --ex_DP [int] : region excluded from analysis if avg depth <=value (def: 0)

​ --max_nonCNVcons [int]: max nber of non-CNV consecutive intervals tolerated within a CNV (def: 0)

​ --max_nonCNVrate [int]: max rate of non-CNV intervals tolerated within a CNV (def: 0)

​ --ratioByGender [a/g/no]: enter "a" : foreach region from all chrom, depth ratio computed separately for F and M ; enter "g" : foreach region from gonosomes only, depth ratio computed separately for F and M. def: no (depth ratio for F and M together)

​ --normAllChr : total depth used to norm sample depths = sum on all chr, whatever the sex (def: double the depth for chrX if male, and skip chrY in the sum)

​ --normDepth [mean/tot] : total depth used to norm sample depths = sum of total depths of each region or sum of mean depths of each region (def)

​ --graph_byGene : to enable graph for gene affected by a CNV (def: no)

​ --graph_byChr : to enable graph by chromosome (def: no)

​ --graph_byCNV : to enable graph around each CNV (def: yes)

​ --CNV_fields [min/max/med/avg/std/Q1/Q3]: list of fields foreach region (comma separated) (default: none)

*external tools path:

​ --bedtools [dir/file]: enter path to executable, if not installed as root or not in path

​ --samtools [dir/file]: enter path to executable, if not installed as root

​ --picard [dir/file]: enter path to executable .jar, if not installed as root

​ --gatk [+/-dir/file]: cov analysis will be performed by gatk (default:bedtools; enter path to executable, if not installed as root)


​ -x / --ram [int]: memory for gatk (in Go)

​ --cpu [int]: multi-thread for gatk (def: 1)

​ -v / --version : current version

​ -h / --help : help


./path/to/DeCovA -d path/to/bam_dir/ -r path/to/Refseq.txt -b path/to/targets.bed -M path/to/mut.list -t 20,50,100 -A -S -P -B -C
./path/to/DeCovA -f path/to/file1.bam -f path/to/file2.bam -r path/to/Refseq.txt -b path/to/targets.bed -M path/to/mut.list -t 20,50,100 -A -S -P -B -C
./path/to/DeCovA -f path/to/file.list -r path/to/Refseq.txt -b path/to/targets.bed -M path/to/mut.list -t 20,50,100 -A -S -P -B -C
./path/to/DeCovA -d path/to/bam_dir/ -r path/to/Refseq.txt -i GENE1,GENE2,NM_xxx1,NM_xxx2 -M path/to/mut.list -t 20,50,100 -A -S -P -B -C
./path/to/DeCovA -d path/to/bam_dir/ -r path/to/Refseq.txt -i genes.list -b path/to/targets.bed -t 20,50,100 -A -S -P -B -C


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