The RecipeManager is intended to be a professional application that allows users to manage many recipes with one application. This includes the creation of new ingredients, as well as the assigning of recipes and ingredients to categories.
This software provides the following features:
- Ingredient-Management
- Add & remove ingredients
- Edit ingredients
- Filter for ingredients
- Name
- Vegan & Vegetarian
- Category
- Recipe-Management
- Add & remove recipes
- Edit recipes
- Recalculate the portion count in recipes
- Filter for recipes
- Name
- Category
- Vegan & Vegetarian
- Time
- Difficulty
- Ingredients
- Choose from 4 different application themes
- Automatic & manual search for application updates
HEBK/recipemanager -> RecipeManager is available as Windows installer. The following operating systems are supported:
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows 11
- Windows Server 2022
For Linux based operating systems please take a look into our (Wiki Coming Soon).
To install the software, please follow these steps:
- Download the latest release. Latest release | Latest installer
- Download the installer or iso file by using the displayed links.
- Execute the downloaded setup helper.
- The program is now successfully installed on your computer.
If you want to compile the software manually from the source code files, please be aware that you need to meet the minimum requirements of the Java version. Moreover you need to consider the third-party libraries. To execute and compile this software you need at least Java JDK 15.
- Florian K. (@Cr4zyFl1x)
- Liz R. (@Liz1312)
- Anton S. (@Papercut1)
- Jannik S. (@NchtJnSkll)
- Jost V. (@JostVanheiden)
The associated license for this software can be shown here: (
- Bulenkov's Darcula - Master
- Cr4zyFl1x's JavaLogger - Version 1.2.0 or higher
- JetBrains Annotations - Version 20.1.0
- MyBatis 3 - Version 3.2.3
- Oracle JDBC MySQL Connector/J - Version 8.0.26 or higher
- SQLite JDBC Driver - Version or higher
For license information of each library please take a look at this file or visit the repositories of the used libraries.
- GitHub:
- Gitea:
Bugs & feature requests can be mentioned as an issue and will be processed as soon as possible.