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Merge pull request #173 from HEP-FCC/basicexamples
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Merge basic examples to master
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clementhelsens authored May 19, 2022
2 parents 801b02c + cbd17d1 commit 7556dc4
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Showing 7 changed files with 387 additions and 0 deletions.
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions examples/basics/

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Binary file added examples/basics/figs/browser_Muon0.png
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Binary file added examples/basics/figs/browser_events.png
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Binary file added examples/basics/figs/browser_events_part1.png
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Binary file added examples/basics/figs/browser_events_part2.png
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Binary file added examples/basics/figs/browser_missingET.png
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137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions examples/basics/
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#This is a basic example showing how to read different objects like electrons, jets, ETmiss etc. from the EDM4HEP files
# and how to access and store some simple variables in an output ntuple

import ROOT
import os
import argparse

### TODO: see if can be simplified/improved #####
#setup of the libraries, following the example:
print ("Load cxx analyzers ... ",)
ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kFatal
_edm = ROOT.edm4hep.ReconstructedParticleData()
_pod = ROOT.podio.ObjectID()
_fcc = ROOT.dummyLoader

print ('edm4hep ',_edm)
print ('podio ',_pod)
print ('fccana ',_fcc)

print ('Finished loading analyzers. Ready to go.')

#The analysis class handles which variables are defined and written to the output ntuple
class analysis():
def __init__(self, inputlist, outname, ncpu):
self.outname = outname

if ".root" not in outname:


self.df = ROOT.RDataFrame("events", inputlist)

def run(self):

df2 = (self.df

#Access the various objects and their properties with the following syntax: .Define("<your_variable>", "<accessor_fct (name_object)>")
#This will create a column in the RDataFrame named <your_variable> and filled with the return value of the <accessor_fct> for the given collection/object
#Accessor functions are the functions found in the C++ analyzers code that return a certain variable, e.g. <namespace>::get_n(object) returns the number
#of these objects in the event and <namespace>::get_pt(object) returns the pT of the object. Here you can pick between two namespaces to access either
#reconstructed (namespace = ReconstructedParticle) or MC-level objects (namespace = MCParticle).
#For the name of the object, in principle the names of the EDM4HEP collections are used - photons, muons and electrons are an exception, see below

#OVERVIEW: Accessing different objects and counting them
.Define("n_jets", "ReconstructedParticle::get_n(Jet)") #count how many jets are in the event in total

.Alias("Photon0", "Photon#0.index")
.Define("photons", "ReconstructedParticle::get(Photon0, ReconstructedParticles)")
.Define("n_photons", "ReconstructedParticle::get_n(photons)") #count how many photons are in the event in total

.Alias("Electron0", "Electron#0.index")
.Define("electrons", "ReconstructedParticle::get(Electron0, ReconstructedParticles)")
.Define("n_electrons", "ReconstructedParticle::get_n(electrons)") #count how many electrons are in the event in total

.Alias("Muon0", "Muon#0.index")
.Define("muons", "ReconstructedParticle::get(Muon0, ReconstructedParticles)")
.Define("n_muons", "ReconstructedParticle::get_n(muons)") #count how many muons are in the event in total

#OBJECT SELECTION: Consider only those objects that have pT > certain threshold
.Define("selected_jets", "ReconstructedParticle::sel_pt(50.)(Jet)") #select only jets with a pT > 50 GeV
.Define("selected_electrons", "ReconstructedParticle::sel_pt(20.)(electrons)") #select only electrons with a pT > 20 GeV
.Define("selected_muons", "ReconstructedParticle::sel_pt(20.)(muons)")

#SIMPLE VARIABLES: Access the basic kinematic variables of the selected jets, works analogously for electrons, muons
.Define("seljet_pT", "ReconstructedParticle::get_pt(selected_jets)") #transverse momentum pT
.Define("seljet_eta", "ReconstructedParticle::get_eta(selected_jets)") #pseudorapidity eta
.Define("seljet_phi", "ReconstructedParticle::get_phi(selected_jets)") #polar angle in the transverse plane phi

#EVENTWIDE VARIABLES: Access quantities that exist only once per event, such as the missing transverse energy
.Define("MET", "ReconstructedParticle::get_pt(MissingET)") #absolute value of MET
.Define("MET_x", "ReconstructedParticle::get_px(MissingET)") #x-component of MET
.Define("MET_y", "ReconstructedParticle::get_py(MissingET)") #y-component of MET
.Define("MET_phi", "ReconstructedParticle::get_phi(MissingET)") #angle of MET


# select branches for output file
branchList = ROOT.vector('string')()
for branchName in [
df2.Snapshot("events", self.outname, branchList)

if __name__ == "__main__":

default_input_tester = "/eos/experiment/fcc/hh/generation/DelphesEvents/fcc_v04/pwp8_pp_hh_lambda100_5f_hhbbzz_zleptonic/events_000087952.root"
default_out_dir = "./read_EDM4HEP/"

#parse input arguments:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Basic example how to access objects and simple variables with FCCAnalyses.")
parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', metavar="INPUTFILE", dest="input_file", default=default_input_tester, help="Path to the input file. If not specified, runs over a default tester file.")
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar="OUTPUTDIR", dest="out_dir", default=default_out_dir, help="Output directory. If not specified, sets to a subdirectory called read_EDM4HEP in the current working directory.")
args = parser.parse_args()

#create the output dir, if it doesnt exist yet:
if not os.path.exists(args.out_dir):

#build the name/path of the output file:
output_file = os.path.join(args.out_dir, args.input_file.split("/")[-1])

#now run:
print("##### Running basic example analysis #####")
print("Input file: ", args.input_file)
print("Output file: ", output_file)

ncpus = 4
analysis = analysis(args.input_file, output_file, ncpus)

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