Live Link :-
Get All The Info Regarding Your Favorite Crypto Currency at Crypto Tracker. Consuming RESTFUL Call from CoinGecko API into the React Application. Used Material-UI in the designing of the Application. Used Chart.js for displaying the Crypto data in the form of Graph. Contains toggling feature between 3 types of Currency (INR, USD, EUR).
CoinGeckco Api Documentaion Link :-
Total 4 Api was used in making of the Application.
- Coin/List Api - Use this to obtain all the coins' id in order to make API calls.
- Coin/Id Api - Get current data (name, price, market, ... including exchange tickers) for a coin.
- Coin/Id/History Api - Get historical data (name, price, market, stats) at a given date for a coin.
- Search/Trending Api - Top-7 trending coins on CoinGecko as searched by users in the last 24 hours (Ordered by most popular first).