The following is only working for GD 2.1 and before, as RobTop changed the GJP encoding to an actual hash called GJP2 and GJPs in their original version are no longer used in 2.2
GJP is for "Geometry Jump Password". To generate GJP from user password, you need :
- The password as string
- Encipher it with XOR with key "37526"
- Encode it with Base64 with URLSafe
Here is a Python function to generate GJP:
import base64
import itertools
def base64_encode(string: str) -> str:
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(string.encode()).decode()
def xor_cipher(string: str, key: str) -> str:
return ("").join(chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for x, y in zip(string, itertools.cycle(key)))
def generate_gjp(password: str):
gjp = xor_cipher(password, "37526")
gjp = base64_encode(gjp)
return gjp
pw = input('GD Password (will be echoed) : ')
gjp = generate_gjp(pw)
print('GJP is : ' + gjp)
This repo is only to learn you what is GJP and how to generate it. Because here is no many sites that learn you that. Enjoy generating GJP !
Credits to tildeman ( with his repository getGJP
Credits to Cvolton ( with his repository GMDprivateServer
Credits to Geometry Dash Documentation Team for XOR cipher and Base64 encode functions. Unofficial Geometry Dash Docs by them at : New GD Docs: Old GD Docs backup:
Credits to me (i've converted the PHP code of @tildeman to Python code).