AWS Lambda used to process mail requests sent by POST request and forward them using AWS SES.
Please read serverless.yml to see what exactly is set up during deployment.
AWS credentials need to be set up as environment variables
Specify configuration in .config.json file in project root directory. You can use .config.example.json as the base for the configuration, more information about the configuration properties can be found in the comments.
npm run upsert:ssm
Set ENV variables
export ENV="development" export AWS_PROFILE="${ENV}" export AWS_SES_REGION="<aws-ses-region>" export NOTIFICATION_EMAIL="<email>"
Verify email(s)
aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address --region ${AWS_SES_REGION} # or VERIFIED_MAILS=$(cat .config.json | jq -cr '.configs[] | "\(.config.sesUser)@\(.config.domain)"') while read line; do echo "Verifying \"${line}\"" aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address ${line} --region ${AWS_SES_REGION} done <<< ${VERIFIED_MAILS}
Update or create template
npm run upsert:template
If new setup on new account
# Create topic if it does not exist export TOPIC_ARN=`aws sns create-topic --name ses-mail-api-topic --region "${AWS_SES_REGION}" --query TopicArn --output text` # Subscribe to topic to receive rejected mail notifications aws sns subscribe --topic-arn "${TOPIC_ARN}" --protocol email --notification-endpoint "${NOTIFICATION_EMAIL}" --region "${AWS_SES_REGION}" # Wait for email to ${NOTIFICATION_EMAIL} and confirm subscription # Create ses configuration set export CS_NAME=ses-configuration-mail-api aws ses create-configuration-set --configuration-set Name="${CS_NAME}" --region "${AWS_SES_REGION}" aws ses create-configuration-set-event-destination --configuration-set-name "${CS_NAME}" --region "${AWS_SES_REGION}" --event-destination "{\"Name\": \"ses-sns-mail-api\", \"Enabled\": true, \"MatchingEventTypes\": [\"renderingFailure\", \"reject\", \"bounce\", \"complaint\"], \"SNSDestination\": {\"TopicARN\": \"${TOPIC_ARN}\"}}"