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app-in-browser allows controlling 3D accelerated graphic sessions in the browser for running a set of apps. Additionally, it mounts Nextcloud homedirs and group folders into the app containers.


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app-in-browser allows controlling 3D accelerated graphic servers in the browser that will display a set of apps. Additionally, it mounts Nextcloud homedirs and group folders into the app containers.

To deploy app-in-browser on Ubuntu 22.04, follow these steps.

Machine preparation

  1. Install docker using this guide. Don't forget to enable the docker service using sudo systemctl enable docker.
  2. Install Node.js using guide.

Docker configuration

  1. By default, docker only allows creating 32 bridge networks. As each server uses two of them, you will only be able to start 16 servers with the default configuration. To bump this number to 256 servers, add the following to /etc/docker/daemon.json:

then restart the docker service with sudo systemctl restart docker.

GPU support setup (optional)

  1. Install the recommended Nvidia drivers for your system. Install ubuntu-drivers using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-drivers-common and check which drivers are recommended using the command ubuntu-drivers devices. Then install them using sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall.
  2. Reboot the system with sudo reboot and check that the drivers are functional using sudo nvidia-smi. Additionally, you can check that the nvidia module is loaded with lspci -nnk | grep -i nvidia.
  3. Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit package repository and GPG key:
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
      && curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
      && curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.list | \
            sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
            sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list
  1. Run sudo apt-get update and then install the runtime with sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit.
  2. Configure the Docker daemon to recognize the NVIDIA Container Runtime:
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker
  1. Finally restart the docker service with sudo systemctl restart docker.
  2. You can test your installation is working by running the following image sudo docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.6.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi and getting the same output as in step 2 above.
  3. You might want to deactivate kernel automatic upgrades:
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-virtual
sudo apt-get autoremove

Getting app-in-browser

  1. Clone the repository with git clone --recurse-submodules If you can see this, it means you already have access to the repository.
  2. cd into the app-in-browser directory.
  3. Change to the branch of your liking. If unsure use the master branch.
  4. Run ./build/ [branch_name] to get the right version of the submodules.

Configuring app-in-browser

  1. Run cp hip.config.template.yml hip.config.yml to copy the config file from its template.
  2. Edit the config file as specified in the next points.
  3. If you don't have a supported Nvidia graphics card, you need to edit these settings:
    card: none
    runtime: runc
  1. If you have several graphics cards on your machine, you need to figure out which one is the Nvidia one and configure app-in-browser to use it. Change the card variable above to match the output of
readlink -f /dev/dri/by-path/pci-0000:`lspci | grep NVIDIA | awk '{print $1}'`-card | xargs basename
  1. Edit the ['backend']['auth'] settings with the credentials generated on the frontend. Set server_url to the domain of your Keycloak instance and redirect_uri_base to the domain the app-in-browser backend instance. The other settings correspond to the Keycloak realm and client you're going to be using.
  2. If you'd like to use keycloak, enter the keycloak client information and set to ['server']['keycloak']['auth'] to yes.
  3. Put the tls certificates you generated on the frontend and collab in ['base']['dockerfs']['cert_private'] and ['base']['dockerfs']['cert_collab'] respectively. The certificates need to be transformed to single lines. You can use the following command:
awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' /path/to/cert.pem
  1. Copy the backend environment template file with cp backend/backend.env.template backend/backend.env and modify the BACKEND_DOMAIN variable to the domain on which the backend is will be hosted.
  2. Install the HIP backend with ./scripts/ This script will interactively generate credentials for the REST API of the backend if they don't already exist.
  3. Check that the backend is running with ./scripts/ and by checking https://url/api/ok.
  4. If you have a Matlab licence server, uncomment line 51 and 52 and replace by the host name of the machine where the matlab server is installed and with the Host ID that you used during the installation of the server. This information can be found on Mathworks with the information of your licence server. You also need to whitelist the matlab server in the configuration file.

Using app-in-browser

There are two options to control app-in-browser. You can use the REST API, or bash scripts. The former is used for integration and the latter option can be used for debug.


  1. Control servers using the following REST API:



  • urlis the url of the server where the backend is running
  • action is one of:
    • start: start server
    • pause: pause server
    • resume: resume server
    • start: start server
    • start: start server
    • stop: stop server
    • restart: restart server
    • destroy: destroy server
    • logs: show server log
    • status: show server status
  • sid is the server id
  • hipuser is the username of the Nextcloud HIP user
  1. Start and restart apps use the following REST API:



  • urlis the url of the server where the backend is running
  • action is one of:
    • start: start app
    • restart: restart app
  • app is the canonical name of the app to control
  • sid is the server id onto which the app is mapped
  • aid is the app id
  • hipuser is the username of the Nextcloud HIP user
  • hippass is the password of the Nextcloud HIP user
  • nc is the complete url of the Nextcloud instance to connect to
  1. For all other actions to control apps use the following REST API:



  • urlis the url of the server where the backend is running
  • action is one of:
    • pause: pause app
    • resume: resume app
    • stop: stop app
    • destroy: destroy app
    • logs: show app log
    • status: show app status
  • app is the canonical name of the app to control
  • sid is the server id onto which the app is mapped
  • aid is the app id
  • hipuser is the username of the Nextcloud HIP user

Bash scripts

You can launch servers and apps using the following bash scripts from the app-in-browser directory. The parameters are as described above.

  1. Servers:
    • start: ./scripts/ sid hipuser auth_groups
    • pause: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • resume: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • stop: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • restart: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • destroy: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • healthcheck: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • logs: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
    • status: ./scripts/ sid hipuser
  2. Apps:
    • start: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser hippass "nc" "ab" group_folders
    • pause: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • resume: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • stop: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • restart: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser hippass "nc" "ab" group_folders
    • destroy: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • healthcheck: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • logs: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser
    • status: ./scripts/ app sid aid hipuser

Building app-in-browser (optional)

If you wish to build app-in-browser on a local machine, first install the build dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -r build/requirements.txt

Then for building everything, execute:


For building the server only, execute:


For building a specific base image, execute:

./ [base_image_name]

For building a specific app, execute:

./ [app_image_name]

Updating an application

Changes and testing for development of an application must be done on the dev servers.

When the changes are ready, to be tested, commit them to the dev branch

If you need to build the containers on the machine, you will need to:

Permit the networks to allow access to the docker registry


Build the containers you want to build (ensure they are present in the the hip.yml) ./scripts/ myappname

Restrict the networks again


Look into the scripts folder for other useful scripts.


This research was supported by the EBRAINS research infrastructure, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA3).


app-in-browser allows controlling 3D accelerated graphic sessions in the browser for running a set of apps. Additionally, it mounts Nextcloud homedirs and group folders into the app containers.







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