Loader: fix for NPE loading non IG publisher packages
Loader: fix error loading path when downloading from github
Validator: Dont raise an error if an element is identified as an example of an inherited profile rather than one defined in the current resource.
Validator: Add support for $index on aggregators in FHIRPath
Validator: dont fail with an exception if an unknown resource type appears in contained resource
Validator: improved validation for some value sets that are based on unknown code systems
Validator: add the -verbose parameter, and add additional verbose messages
Validator: CDA: Fix erroneous type validation on CDA templates
CDA: Suppress erroneous Expansion text appearing in view
CDA: Dont delete binding information in snapshot for CDA bindable data types
Renderer: Fix rendering of slices so type on slicer is not hidden
Renderer: Fix rendering for most resources - remove empty tables (e.g. text element, that shouldnt render)
Renderer: Fix NPE rendering code systems with some kinds of properties
Renderer: Improve rendering of questionnaires (icons, option sets)
Renderer: add support for CodeableReference
Renderer Support binding mode and XML element information
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