Drives the HODL strategy to an automated level across crypto currencies.
Use the HODL strategy for accumulating wealth on a desired main crypto currency (CC). Spread your initial investment across the top 10 crypto currencies based on market capitalizations and dynamically swaps a part of the gains to your loved CC while hodl'ing onto your initial investment. Never sells your main CC.
Prerequisites: Git and Python 3
- Clone repository with
git clone
- Copy
, customize configuration and save asconfig/
- Run in console with
Collect data from a portfolioValue summaryOffline trading implementation- ~~Algorithm~
- Simulation for proof of concept based on historic data
- Online trading via APIs
Running on live data for 12 hours (offline simulated trades on a bullish market):
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,259][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] Portfolio Summary
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 117.884622 ADA (114.57 USD), +14.57 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.387291 LTC (97.53 USD), -2.47 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 83.161609 XEM (105.62 USD), +5.62 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.011825 BTC (179.19 USD), +79.19 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.083420 DASH (96.70 USD), -3.30 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.112354 ETH (99.19 USD), -0.81 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 38.941069 XRP (106.60 USD), +6.60 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 160.535480 XLM (123.51 USD), +23.51 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 24.673721 MIOTA (98.24 USD), -1.76 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,260][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.035131 BCH (97.74 USD), -2.26 %
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,261][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] --------------------
[2018-01-03 10:55:37,261][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] Portfolio value: 0.074598 BTC (1118.89 USD), +11.89 %
Running on live data for 36 hours (offline simulated trades on a 24h-volatile market):
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,343][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] Portfolio Summary
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,343][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 99.164142 ADA (122.00 USD), +22.00 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,343][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.387291 LTC (91.11 USD), -8.89 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 65.340055 XEM (118.89 USD), +18.89 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.017510 BTC (259.51 USD), +159.51 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.083420 DASH (92.63 USD), -7.37 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.108458 ETH (103.53 USD), +3.53 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 33.467019 XRP (116.23 USD), +16.23 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 145.756646 XLM (123.33 USD), +23.33 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 24.557361 MIOTA (96.14 USD), -3.86 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] 0.035131 BCH (84.57 USD), -15.43 %
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] --------------------
[2018-01-04 11:10:25,344][ Ticker][ bot][ INFO] Portfolio value: 0.082440 BTC (1207.94 USD), +20.79 %