The airfoil design is aimed to minimize the drag coefficient (
The airfoil dataset is based on UIUC dataset which contain more than 1,600 real-world airfoil design. We use the open-source script to remove abnormal airfoils and obtain 1,433 airfoils, which are stored in data_bs/pts.
We construct two distinct cubic B-spline curves with 34 control points for the upper surface and lower surface of the airfoil, respectively. The two end control points of each B-spline curve are fixed at the leading edge (0, 0) and the trailing edge (1, 0). The control points data are stored in data_bs/controls. Finally, all control points data are concatenated in a numpy array bs_datas.npy.
Firstly, we shall enrich the control points data. We apply WGAN-GP to do it. Run the following code
python --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 128 --lambda_gp 10 --regular 0.3 --nEpoch 100000 --wass
The trained generator are stored in resultsWGAN. We use this generator to obtain more data, finally, the generated data and origin data are stored in data_extend_wgan.npy, with a total of 46,286 items.
There two kinds of fluid conditions are considered:
$Re=6.5e6, Ma=0.150$ , angel of attack$\alpha$ ranges over$[0^\circ, 10^\circ]$ with$0.1^\circ$ gridsizes. -
$Re=6.5e6, Ma=0.150$ , angel of attack$\alpha$ ranges over$[0^\circ, 3^\circ]$ with$0.03^\circ$ gridsizes.
Therefore, there are a total of 4,628,600 items need to be labeled under each fluid condition.
For each item, we use Xfoil
to calculate the corresponding
Run the following code under the directory mean-teacher-al
python --ma 150 # incompressible fluid case
python --ma 734 # compressible fluid case
The corresponding network's parameters are stored in results-al-semi-150 and results-al-semi-734, respectively. And the learning results are as follows.
0.150 | 5.193E-3 | 2.156E-2 |
0.734 | 1.058E-2 | 6.690E-2 |
The critical factor impacting the performance of auto-encoder training is the choice of the dimension of the latent space. So run the following code.
The result should be 5(round up). This give a lower bound of the dimension of latent space. For verifying that the value is sufficient, we examine the reconstruction error as a function of the dimension of latent space, which are shown as follows.
In our experiment, we choose 16. Run the following code to train the auto-encoder.
python --embed-dim 16
The corresponding parameters are stored in resultsAE_ID=16_wgan. And the result are as follows.
index | value |
ReconErr mean | 2.283E-3 |
ReconErr variance | 2.199E-5 |
We use naca2412 as the initial airfoil. Run the following code.
python --ma 150 # 734
And the optimized results are located in optimize_results, which are shown as follows.