No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
currently working on this (highest priority)
Something that needs to be done almost ASAP
needs to be worked on fast, but not ASAP
does not need to be worked on fast, can be delayed
Complexity to implement is very low
Complexity is low, slightly difficult
Complexity is high, implementation is hard
No clue how to solve this complex mess, this is going to take a lot of preparation
Databases and other backend stuff
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
feedback from tester and users which we would like to implement
Extra attention is needed
A new (programming) Skill needs to be learned or sharpened
Checklist that contains multiple other issues
will be last priority until all the other stuff is finished
Further information is requested
Issue is about sales of the app
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.