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Cypress plugin for intercepting, recording, and stubbing API requests during tests. Features selective recording/stubbing, custom request handling, and time mocking capabilities.

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Cypress Request Mocker

Cypress Request Mocker is a powerful plugin for Cypress that intercepts API requests during tests, records responses, and replays them in subsequent test runs. It also provides the ability to mock the perceived time for the application under test.


  • Intercept and record API responses during test execution
  • Stub API responses in subsequent test runs using recorded data
  • Mock the date and time perceived by the application
  • Selective recording and stubbing of tests or suites
  • Flexible configuration options for recording, stubbing, and blacklisting
  • Custom request handling capabilities
  • Automatic cleanup of unused mocks
  • Updating of existing API responses
  • Configurable HAR recording and saving options


Install the plugin using npm:

npm install cypress-request-mocker --save-dev


  1. Add the plugin to cypress.config.js:
const {defineConfig} = require("cypress");
const requestMocker = require("cypress-request-mocker/plugin");

module.exports = defineConfig({
    e2e: {
        setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
            requestMocker(on, config);
// ... other configurations
  1. Import the plugin in cypress/support/e2e.js:
import 'cypress-request-mocker';

  1. Configure the plugin in cypress.config.js:
module.exports = defineConfig({
    e2e: {
        requestMocker: {
            mockDate: "2023-02-09",
            interceptPattern: "**",
            baseURL: "",
            harRecordOptions: {
                includeMimes: ["application/json"],
                includeHosts: [""],
                excludePaths: [],
            harSaveOptions: {},
            recordAll: false,
            stubAll: true,
            cleanMocks: false,
            stubTests: [],
            recordTests: [],
            blacklistTests: [],
            blacklistSuites: [],
            updateApiResponse: false,
            useCustomMakeRequest: false,
// ... other configurations

Configuration Options

Option Description Default
mockDate Date to be used for mocking null
interceptPattern Pattern for intercepting requests "*"
baseURL Base URL for API requests ""
harRecordOptions Options for HAR recording {}
harSaveOptions Options for saving HAR files {}
recordAll Record all tests by default false
stubAll Stub all tests by default true
cleanMocks Clean up the unused mock data false
stubTests Array of test names to stub []
recordTests Array of test names to record []
blacklistTests Array of test names to blacklist []
blacklistSuites Array of suite names to blacklist []
updateApiResponse Update existing API responses false
useCustomMakeRequest Use custom request function false


The plugin automatically intercepts requests based on the configuration. Its behavior can be controlled using special prefixes in test and suite titles:

  • [r]: Force record mode for a test or suite
  • [s]: Force stub mode for a test or suite
  • [x]: Blacklist a test or suite (no recording or stubbing)

Using the Plugin in Test Files

To use Cypress Request Mocker in test files, import and initialize it at the beginning of the test suite:

const requestMocker = require("cypress-request-mocker");

describe("Test suite", () => {

    it("Test case", () => {
// Test code here

Example with prefixes:

describe("[r] Test mock date and record functionality", () => {
    it('should record all API calls in this suite', () => {
// Test code here

describe("Test stubbing functionality", () => {
    it('[s] should stub API calls for this test', () => {
// Test code here

Selective Recording and Stubbing

Recording and stubbing behavior can be controlled at a granular level:

  • Use recordTests and stubTests arrays to specify which tests to record or stub.
  • Use blacklistTests and blacklistSuites to exclude specific tests or suites from recording/stubbing.
  • Set recordAll: true to record all tests by default.
  • Set stubAll: true to stub all tests by default.

Request Interception

Use interceptPattern to specify which requests to intercept. This can be a string or a regular expression.

Updating API Responses

Set updateApiResponse: true to update existing recorded API responses. This is useful for keeping stubs up-to-date with the latest API changes.

Custom API Request Method

A custom method for making API requests can be used by setting the useCustomMakeRequest flag to true in the configuration. This allows for implementing custom authentication mechanisms, adding specific headers or parameters to requests, or modifying responses before saving.

To use a custom request method:

  1. Set useCustomMakeRequest: true in the plugin configuration.
  2. Create a file named requestMockerUtil.js in the project root.
  3. In this file, export a function that handles the API request.

Example requestMockerUtil.js:

const axios = require('axios');

module.exports = async function makeRequest(service) {
// Add custom logic here, e.g., authentication
    const response = await axios.get(service, {
        headers: {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer token-here'

    return {
        status: response.status


This plugin relies on the following packages:

  • @neuralegion/cypress-har-generator
  • axios


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a Pull Request for any improvements.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.


For any issues or suggestions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.


Cypress plugin for intercepting, recording, and stubbing API requests during tests. Features selective recording/stubbing, custom request handling, and time mocking capabilities.




