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HackFSU Web Console


This is the top-secret code behind HackFSU and its accompanying web-based services (i.e. preview, registration, landing page, admin apps, etc).

Languages and Frameworks

  • Node.js and Express.js backend
  • Jade templates
  • ES6-based JavaScript code (both on the Node backend and client frontend)
  • HTML5 and CSS (maybe in the future, we'll get with SASS or LESS)
  • Parse database system
  • for real-time apps

Setup and Deployment Instructions

  1. Have NPM and Node installed. NPM comes pre-packaged with Node, but you can look into installing n as a Node version manager (npm install -g n) and running n stable to get the latest stable version of Node.
  2. Have Git installed.
  3. .env is needed to connect to our various external APIs (such as Parse, Mandrill, etc) and it is .gitignore'd for security, ask Jared or Trevor for this file.

Setup Documentation

Below are commands to run to setup the development environment on a given OS. If you are on Windows (why would you be?), use PowerShell and remove the sudo prefix from these commands.

# [Linux or OS X] Update your node
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable

# Install global node modules
$ sudo npm install -g bower gulp

# Navigate to your projects directory
$ cd my/projects/dir

# Setup repo (https is used here, but you can replace it with ssh:// if you have that setup)
$ git clone
$ cd hackfsu-console
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp build

# Start the server (while in repo directory)
$ npm start

You'll know everything is up and running if you get output in your console like this:

> hackfsu-console@4.0.0 start /Users/trevor1/Projects/HackFSU/hackfsu-console
> node server.js | bunyan

[2016-01-25T21:08:27.004Z]  INFO: HackFSU/12013 on Custom Environment Values
    environment: {
      "NODE_ENV": "development",
      "PORT": "5003",
      "PARSE_APP_ID": "redacted for safety",
      "PARSE_JS_KEY": "redacted for safety",
      "PARSE_MASTER_KEY": "redacted for safety",
      "MANDRILL_KEY": "redacted for safety"
Listening on port 5003

Jared recommends adding password caching to git if you haven't already. See this.

$ git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=7200"

Or you can just use SSH.

Now open a browser and go to http://localhost:5003 to see your local server, running our sacred code!

For more information on working on the project, see the relevant documentation in /docs.