This exercise application implements a small system to count the results of the Eurovision Song Contest.
An OpenAPI specification designed to provide Api Design First approach.
Vert.x Web API Contract used to expose endpoint paths and validate them with OpenAPI spec.
An HTTP Server expose an endpoint with relevant paths alligned with OpenAPI spec and controlled by Web API Contract.
Endpoint paths connected to HTTP Server router built with OpenAPI directly to EventBus services.
An EventBus allowed many parts of application to communicate each other.
Reactive pattern implemented to develop transaction services, mainly RxJava2, asychronous and Java streams.
Two verticles developed: a vote transaction services verticle(Java) and a metrics reporter(Kotlin)
Thanks to Vert.x polyglot support Java and Kotlin used with verticle developments
A metric reporter designed to push metrics to the eventbus topic
A dashboard designed to check vote result through a webscoket and read latest vote result metrics from the eventbus topic
Reactive and non blocking PostgreSQL client used to handle database connections, queries and transactions.
Application dockerized from adoptopenjdk/openjdk8-openj9:alpine-jre image.
A PostgreSQL database preffered to store application data through reactive database driver. During installation all required database, schema, table and indexes are created.
Application and database docker containers composed and run with Docker Compose.
To compose and run your application:
docker-compose up --build
Docker composes and runs an application container and a database container |
To stop application and db containers:
docker-compose down -v
Post a vote with curl
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8888/votes/2020" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"countryFrom\":\"Netherlands\",\"votedFor\":\"Belgium\"}"
Get top three countries for the specified year
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/votes/2020" -H "accept: application/json"
Get the top three favorite songs for the specified year and country
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8888/votes/2020/Netherlands" -H "accept: application/json"
To check online results launch Vote Results Dashboard at http://localhost:9999/