Try a different xcode test result reporter #380
on: push
Build and Sign
32 errors
Build and Sign
The run was canceled by @cmsj.
Build and Sign
A task was canceled.
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 10 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testVolumes()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSbrightness.m#L37
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testSet
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSbrightness.m#L30
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testGet
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSscreen.m#L101
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testRotation
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSwindow.m#L70
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testSize
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSwindow.m#L41
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testOrderedWindows
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSwindow.m#L75
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testMinimize
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSwindow.m#L89
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testTabs
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSwindow.m#L35
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testDesktop
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HShotkey.m#L37
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testGetSystemAssigned
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testRepeatingHotkey()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testHotkeyStates()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 2 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testBasicHotkey()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSuielement.m#L53
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testSelectedText
Uncaught Exception:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L38
Failed due to unwaited expectation 'testWindowWatcher()'.
Uncaught Exception:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L38
Failed due to unwaited expectation 'testApplicationWatcher()'.
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSserial.m#L36
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testNewFromPath
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSserial.m#L31
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testNewFromName
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSserial.m#L41
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testOpenAndClose
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSserial.m#L46
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testAttributes
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testWindows()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSapplication.m#L37
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testAttributesFromBundleID
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSTestCase.m#L65
Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "testHiding()".
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L236
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testDataSourceName
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L223
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testAllOutputDataSources
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L211
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testCurrentOutputDataSource
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L193
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testInputSupportsDataSources
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L199
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testOutputSupportsDataSources
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L230
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testDataSourceToString
Assertion Failure:
Hammerspoon Tests/HSaudiodevice.m#L242
(([self luaTestFromSelector:_cmd]) is true) failed - Test failed: testDataSourceSetDefault