I'm Hammerton Mwawuda, a full-stack developer and security researcher from Nairobi, Kenya.

π Currently learning Mui Material for React.
Email me at: hammerton@hmwawuda.com
I'm Hammerton Mwawuda, a full-stack developer and security researcher from Nairobi, Kenya.
π Currently learning Mui Material for React.
Email me at: hammerton@hmwawuda.com
Presentation for Intro Sec 2020 (Free Virtual Con Teach fundamental and introductory information security skills. April 25 2020).
A Python script to split an excel workbook into smaller workbooks based on values in a coloumn.
Python 5
Fun project courtesy of overleaf (https://www.overleaf.com/)
TeX 2
A dashboard for Coronavirus statistics.
JavaScript 2
My attempt to create my first game in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Trivial Systems Programming codes in C and Python
C 1