This repository contains examples that show how to use MongoDB databases in the MATLAB environment with the MongoDB java driver. To run the examples I used the following configuration on Windows 8.1 (64-bit) :
- MATLAB: the version used was the prerelease of MATLAB 8.6 R2015b (no toolboxes necessary)
- java driver: mongo-java-driver-3.0.2.jar (current version in mm_java_driver)
- MongoDB: mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.1.4-signed.msi
More information about working with MongoDB can be found e.g here.
Examples of MATLAB functions that use the MongoDB java driver:
- mm_example_1a.m : reads an xls-file into MongoDB collection
- mm_example_1b.m : generates some testdata and insert these in a MongoDB collection (for use in later examples)
- mm_readxls.m : function used in mm_example_1(a)(b) that does the actual insert of a document in the collection
- mm_example_2.m : lists the collections and number of documents in the collections with the databases they belong to
- mm_example_3.m : gives examples of queries in which certain documents and/or fields in documents are selected
- mm_example_3a.m : more examples of selection of fields (projection) and document with a given object id
- mm_example_4.m : example of handling the results a query
- mm_example_5.m : example of an aggregation pipeline
- mm_example_6.m : example of adding a field by using a classification
- mm_example_7.m : example of a mapreduce
mm_examples 2-6 use the testdata generated in mm_example_1b
mm_example_7 uses the collection from mm_example_6
Utility functions used:
- mm_cursor_showcontents.m : shows the documents that a cursor points to
- mm_drop_collection.m : drops (removes) a collection if it exists
- mm_drop_database.m : drops (removes) a database if it exists
- mm_java_driver : indicate which driver to use
- setOptArgs.m : handles optional arguments of a function
- Guillaume A. for his MATLAB Central [article] ( that inspired this repository
- Yair Altman for his checkClass that helped debugging these functions
This software is distributed under the MIT License (MIT): see copyright.txt