The "Scissors, Stone, Paper" program is a simple console-based C++ game where the player competes against the computer. Choose your move, play multiple rounds, and see who wins! This is a simple console-based game implementation of the popular "Scissors, Stone, Paper" game in C++. The game allows players to compete against the computer in a series of rounds and determines the winner based on the predefined rules.
- Run the program in a C++ compiler or IDE.
- The program will prompt you to enter your choice for each round: Stone, Paper, or Scissors.
- Enter the number of rounds you want to play (between 1 and 10).
- The program will simulate the computer's choice and display the round results, including the winner.
- Repeat steps 2-4 until all the rounds are completed.
- At the end of the game, the final results will be displayed, including the overall winner.
- You can choose to play the game again by entering 'Y' when prompted.
- Scissors beats Paper.
- Paper beats Stone.
- Stone beats Scissors.
- Randomized computer choices.
- Game statistics tracking, including the number of rounds played, player wins, computer wins, and draws.
- Color-coded console output to highlight the winner of each round.
- Option to play multiple rounds and continue the game.