HandyVoidium is an open-source project built with Nuxt 3 consisting of a platform that offers a comprehensive set of tools for a wide range of tasks. It aims to provide users with a single platform where they can find everything they need to accomplish their tasks without having to navigate through multiple websites.
- Light Mode
- Page Embedding
- ARIA Attributes
- Tabs
- Next Tools
- 25 + 5 Clock
- Password Generator
- Scale Converter
- Roman-to-Number and vice versa
- Decimal-to-Binary numbers and vice versa
- Caesar Cipher (ROT13)
- Markdown Previewer
- IP info
- Calculator
- API testing
- ToDo List
- View file metadata
- Make text lowercase (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Make text uppercase (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Capitalize after punctuation and paragraph (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Sort in alphabetic order (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Word frequency counter (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Remove extra spaces (suggested by cyberhardt)
- List generator (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Text-to-Hex and vice versa (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Text-to-Binary and vice versa (suggested by cyberhardt)
- Binary-to-Hex and vice versa (suggested by cyberhardt)