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Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

Carson B edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 10 revisions

Typical Instruction


1-4 Bytes (8-32 Bits)

Typical instruction layout

Condition | Opcode

Condition | Opcode | Destination Register

Condition | Opcode | Destination Register | 8-bit Immediate

Condition | Opcode | Destination Register | Source/Operand 1 | Immediate/Operand 2

Condition | Opcode | Destination Register Pair | 16-bit Immediate

Condition | Opcode | 16-bit Immediate


Condition Name Machine Code Notes
0000 No condition applied
c 0001 Handle carryout
nc 1001 Handle no carryout
z 0010 Check if equal
nz 1010 Check if not equal
s 0011 Check negative signed
ns 1011 Check positive signed
p 0100 Check odd
np 1100 Check even
o 0101 Handle overflow
no 1101 Skip overflow handling
0110 Unused
1110 Unused complement
0111 Unused
1111 Unused complement
1000 Unused special

Instruction Set

The upper bit of the opcode is reserved for indicating whether the instruction is regular or min instruction. When this bit is 0, a smaller instruction is decoded. When the this bit is 1, a normal larger instruction is decoded.

Min Instructions

These instructions only require a single byte. These can also all be conditional!

Note the registers listed here are implicit. The accumulator is intended to be an often used register.

Opcode Machine Code Description
nop 0x0 No operation
ret 0x1 Jump back to popped address from stack
ei 0x2 Enable interrupt
di 0x3 Disable interrupt
wait 0x4 Cpu in wait mode (stop execution)
inc r5 0x5 Increment accumulator
push r5 0x6 Push accumulator to stack
pop r5 0x7 Pop accumulator from stack

Memory Instructions

Typical Memory Operations

These types of operations include fetching and storing data in memory and registers, including immediate values. All of these operations are normal operations that require 3 bytes.

Opcode Machine Code Destination (4-bit) Source (4/8-bit) Description
mov 0x00 Destination Register Source Register Moves values between registers.
ld 0x01 Destination Register Source Address (Register Pair) Fetch data from memory at a given address.
str 0x02 Destination Address (Register Pair) Source Register Store data to memory at a given address.
movw 0x03 Destination Register Pair Source Register Pair Moves values between registers in wide bit mode.
ldi 0x04 Destination Register 8-bit immediate Load immediate into register
sti 0x05 Destination Address (Register Pair) 8-bit immediate Load immediate into memory location This was a stupid idea.

Stack Operations

These operations affect the stack pointer and require only 2 bytes.

Opcode Machine Code Target (4-bit) Description
push 0x6 Source Register Pushes contents of a register onto the stack
pop 0x7 Destination Register Pop contents of the stack into a register

Control Flow Instructions

These instructions affect the flow of the program and allow for branching when paired with condition codes.

Opcode Min Bit Machine Code Address (4/16-bit) Description
jp 1 0x08 16-bit Immediate Jump to a given immediate address
jmp 1 0x09 Destination Address (Register Pair) Jump to address pointed to by a register pair
call 1 0x0a 16-bit Immediate Push next instruction location onto the stack, jump to given immediate address
calr 1 0x0b Destination Address (Register Pair) Push next instruction location onto the stack, jump to address pointed to by a register pair
ret 0 0x1 N/A Jump back to popped address from stack

ALU Instructions

ALU operations are only register to register (with the exception of load equivalent address operations).

Two Operand Operations

All of these operations require 3 bytes.

Opcode Machine Code Destination Operand 1 Operand 2 Operation Summary
add 0x10 Destination Register Base Number Number to add d <= op1 + op2
sub 0x11 Destination Register Base Number Number to subtract from base d <= op1 - op2
mul 0x12 Destination Register Base Number Multiplicand d <= op1 * op2
div 0x13 Destination Register Dividend Divisor d <= op1 / op2
xor 0x14 Destination Register d <= op1 xor op2
or 0x15 Destination Register d <= op1 or op2
and 0x16 Destination Register d <= op1 and op2
lsl 0x17 Destination Register d <= op1 << op2
asl 0x17 Destination Register d <= op1 << op2
lsr 0x18 Destination Register d <= op1 >> op2 (Logical)
asr 0x19 Destination Register d <= op1 >> op2 (Arithmetic)
addw 0x1a Destination Register Pair Base Number (Register Pair) Number to add (Register Pair) d <= op1 + op (16-bit)
subw 0x1b Destination Register Pair Base Number (Register Pair) Number to subtract from base d <= op1 - op2 (16-bit)

Operation On Destination

These operations store the result in the same register the operation is performed on. These require 2 bytes.

Opcode Machine Code Source/Destination Operation Summary
not 0x1c Register r <= ~r
inc 0x1d Register r <= r + 1
dec 0x1e Register r <= r - 1
incw 0x1f Register Pair r <= r + 1
decw 0x20 Register Pair r <= r - 1

Special Operations


Two bytes long, preserves the operand.

Opcode Machine Code Operand Operation Summary
cmp 0x21 Register Set flags (see below)
cmpw 0x22 Register Pair Set flags (see below)

Check equal values, store in 1 if equal z

Unsigned greater than, store 1 in c

Unsigned less than, store 0 in c

Signed greater than, store 1 in s

Signed less than, store 0 in s

Load Effective Address

A whopping 4 bytes large! Usable for address operations or 16-bit add and multiply operations.

Opcode Machine Code Destination Index Shift Multiply Index Offset Operation Summary
lea 0x23 Register Pair 0 to 15 (4-bit Immediate) Register Pair 8-bit Immediate d <= d + (i << m) + o