NOTE: This project is abandoned. The new project can be found at HansiAudioVisualizer.
Creates a customizable video for the spectrum of an audio file.
Install python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
This script requires ffmpeg.
- Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- Arch:
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
- Debian/Ubuntu:
homebrew install ffmpeg
- Download ffmpeg
- Extract it into a folder, for example
- Add the ffmpeg bin folder to your PATH Environment Variable.
Here is a guide that explains the process in detail.
Open a command line and change into the directory where the program is located. It is easiest to simply copy the audio file into the same directory, however not at all necessary.
To run the program: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder>
(If no destination folder is given, it defaults to output
in the current directory)
Example: python 'Bursty Greedy Spider.mp3' Visualizer
This creates an image sequence for the audio spectrum of Bursty Greedy Spider.mp3
into a newly created folder named Visualizer
in the same directory.
Example for when audio and destination directory are not in the same directory as the program : python '.\User\Music\Bursty Greedy Spider.mp3' '.\User\Desktop\Visualizer'
-ps, --preset
Name of a preset defined as a collection of flags in presets.txt. Default: default. Note that the default preset is blank on a fresh install, feel free to define it as you like
-h, --help
Shows the standard help message
-ht, --height
Height of the output video/images in px. Default: 540
-w, --width
Width of the output video/images in px. Will be overwritten if both binWidth AND binSpacing is given! Default: 1920
-b, --bins
Amount of bins (bars, points, etc). Default: 64
-bw, --binWidth
Width of the bins in px. Default: 5/6 * width/bins
-bs, --binSpacing
Spacing between bins in px. Default: 1/6 * width/bins
-fr, --framerate
Framerate of the output video/image sequence (Frames per second). Default: 30
-ch, --channel
Which channel to use (left, right, average, stereo). Default: average
-d, --duration
Length of audio sample per frame in ms. Default: Duration will be one frame long (1/framerate)
-s, --start
Begins render at <start> seconds. Default: Renders from the start of the sound file
-e, --end
Ends render at <end> seconds. Default: Renders to the end of the sound file
Scales the X-axis logarithmically to a given base. Default: 0 (Linear)
Scales the Y-axis logarithmically to a given base. Default: 0 (Linear)
-sy, --smoothY
Smoothing over <n> adjacent bins. If smoothY=auto: Automatic smoothing is applied (bins/32). Default: 0
-fs, --frequencyStart
Limits the range of frequencies to <frequencyStart>Hz and onward. Default: Starts at lowest frequency
-fe, --frequencyEnd
Limits the range of frequencies to <frequencyEnd>Hz. Default: Ends at highest frequency
-is, --imageSequence
Export visualization as frame-by-frame image sequence instead of .mp4 with audio. Default: False"
-t, --test
Renders a single frame for style testing. Default: False
-st, --style
Defines render style: bars, circles, donuts, line, fill. Default: bars
-bht, --barHeight
Height of the bars in px. Default: full
-lt, --lineThickness
Thickness of the line in px. Default: 3
-m, --mirror
Mirrors the spectrum at x-axis. 1: Middle, 2: Top/Bottom Default: 0
-r, --radial
Creates a radial (circle) visualization. Size is determined by height. Default: False
-rs, --radiusStart
Inner radius in px. Default: 1/6 Height
-re, --radiusEnd
Outer radius in px. Default: 1/2 Height
-cc, --circumference
Circumference of radial visualization in degrees. Default: 360 (Full)
-rt, --rotation
Rotation offset of radial visualization in degrees. Default: 0
-c, --color
Color of bins (bars, points, etc). Ex: ff0000 or red. Default: ffffff (white)
-bgc, --backgroundColor
Color of the background. Ex: ff0000 or red. Default: 000000 (black)
Color names are equal to the named colors supported by HTML and CSS: Overview of named colors.
Custom colors can be added to the colors
dictionary in
in the form of "<color name>": [R, G, B],
-i, --image
Adds an image in radial visualization if given path (See example)
-cs, --chunkSize
Amount of frames cached before clearing (Higher chunk size lowers render time, but increases RAM usage). Default: auto
-p, --processes
Number of processes to use for rendering and export. Default: Number of processor cores (or hyperthreads, if supported)
RAM usage is proportional to the chunksize multiplied by the number of processes. Per default (auto) the chunksize is set to 128 divided by the number of processes. Ex. 128/4 = chunksize of 32 per process on a machine with 4 cores and no hyperthreading. You may want to increase the chunksize on a machine with large RAM for better performance, as a larger chunksize per process improves render times.
Default: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder>
Slim bins: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -b 128 -bw 5
IKEA: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -b 12 -c yellow -bgc blue
Circles: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -st circles -bw 15
Donuts: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -b 32 -st donuts -c e9388c -bgc f17e06
Line: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -b 256 -st line -lt 3 -c lime
Fill: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -b 256 -st fill -c lime
Mirror 1: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -m 1
Mirror 2: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -m 2
Radial 1: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -r -st line
Radial 2: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -r -cc 180 -rt -90 -st fill
Image: python <Path to Audio File> <Destination Folder> -r -i "catgirl.png"