"The Almost Final Countdown" is an interactive game built using React.js that challenges players to stop the timer once they estimate that time is (almost) up. The game is designed to test players' reflexes and precision, providing an engaging experience using React's ref system and portals for efficient rendering.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Install dependencies using npm install or yarn install.
- Start the application with npm start or yarn start.
- Choose the desired difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard).
- The countdown timer will begin.
- Click/tap the designated stop button when you estimate that time is (almost) up.
- Your accuracy in stopping the timer will determine your score.
- Try t o beat your previous scores or challenge friends to compete.
To run this Project Management Web App locally, follow these steps:
git clone git@github.com:Hanzalashaik/countDown-game.git
cd countDown-game
npm install
To start app
npm run dev
- React.js: Front-end library for building user interfaces.
- JavaScript (ES6+): Programming language for application logic.
- React Refs: Used for interacting with DOM elements efficiently.
- Portals: Utilized for rendering components in different parts of the DOM tree.