This repository collected 3 ways to show trajectory of robot in ROS. And I had test them all in indigo.
There are three nodes declared in CMakeLists.txt. You just need to
rosrun rviz rviz
rosrun show_trajectory by_path
rosrun show_trajectory by_marker
rosrun show_trajectory by_marker_list
and then add corresponding display in rviz
by_path add Path
by_marker and by_marker_list add Marker
and remember to set Fixed Frame
to my_frame
public a nav_msgs::Path message which contains an array of geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
public visualization_msgs::Marker and hold them by setting lifetime to forever. But remember to update the id of Marker to avoid covering previous markers.
public visualization_msgs::Marker's points and lines which contains an array of geometry_msgs/Point
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