This is a custom archlinux live-usb mainly meant for setting up encrypted installations. This uses sway and termite, for maximum cross compatibility.
Note that on some systems, the login manager may be buggy, in these cases switch to a TTY with CTRL-ALT-F3
, login at the terminal, and run sway
to get to a GUI.
Instead of using the standard archiso
package, since I required AUR packages
and preferred an offline installation, this uses archiso-offline. Additionally,
the AUR packages are handled with the excellent repoctl. More details in a post
As of V, now uses the normal
The exact list of packages added is present in packages.x86_64
The basic end-user packages and the intended usage is described here.
Just cuz I can, this lists the size as I make changes:
Package | Size (MB) |
base | ~ 567 |
+veracrypt | 688 |
+networkmanager | 695 |
+chrony | 695 |
+tmux | 695 |
+reflector | 695 |
+caja | 707 |
+gnome_backgrounds | 732 |
release_I | 894 |
+videoDrivers | 903 |
release_I-A | 1.1GB |
release_II | 1.2GB |
release_III | 1.2GB |
release_V | 1.6GB |
release_V.I | 1.7GB |
The pacman mirrors are generated with reflector
, but reflector
not installed on the installation media.
This is configured to work with a dispatcher script.
The aur packages need to be configured in the main hzLinux folder as well as the work folder. These should work on the system, not relative to the liveUSB root.
In general, to simply update the AUR packages before using the Makefile
run the following:
## Once
repoctl conf new ~/pkgs/hzarchiso.db.tar.gz
repoctl reset
## Separate terminal
repoctl serve
## Everytime
mkdir tmpUpd && cd tmpUpd
for pkg in $(cat ../aurpkgs.txt); do
repoctl down "$pkg"
for dir in *; do cd $dir; makepkg -cs && repoctl add *.pkg.tar.zst && cd ../ && rm -rf $dir || cd ../; done
cd ../ && rm -rf tmpUpd
This is basically just the normal reflector
stuff. As usual, assume
is where you have this repository cloned.
export buildRoot=$HOME/archBuilder
sudo reflector --latest 30 --number 20 --sort rate --protocol http --save $buildRoot/hzArchiso/hzLinux/airootfs/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Do not be surprised by sudo
, since the location has the same permissions as
the actual root folder.
The makefile
is not needed anymore, as of version 5.
export application="HaoZeke's ArchLinux"
export isoName='hzlinux_V'
export label='HZLIN_V-211222'
export publisher='Rohit Goswami (HaoZeke) <rohit.goswami[at]>'
sudo mkarchiso -A $application -L $label -P $publisher -v hzLinux
Roughly 903MB
- LightDM + Aether Theme
- Default user (hzlinarch:hzlinarh)
- AUR helper (yay)
- Sway (master, wlroots)
- Caja
- Termite (noscd, wayland)
- Veracrypt
- gParted
Around 1.1GB.
- Fonts
- i3status-rust
- Smplayer (+skins)
- Zathura (+plugins)
- Audio (pulseaudio+plugins)
- Music (mpd, ncmpc, pianobar, audacious)
- Proxy (proxychains, windscribe)
- Screenshots (slurp+grim)
- Bluetooth (blueberry)
Until further changes, the zsh prompt now matches the one used by the standard iso.
- Enpass
- Rofi
- Mosh
- Ananicy (auto-nice daemon)
- Backlight Controls (brightnessctl)
- Better default zsh stuff (grml-zsh-config)
- Fix terminal audio [pianobar]
- Fix chrony config
- Sudo (wheel executes whatever now)
sudo rsync -axv --progress / /mnt
sudo cp -vaT /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot/$(uname -m)/vmlinuz /mnt/boot/vmlinuz-linux\n
1 userdel hzlinarch
2 sed -i 's/Storage=volatile/#Storage=auto/' /etc/systemd/journald.conf
3 rm /etc/udev/rules.d/81-dhcpcd.rules
4 systemctl disable pacman-init.service choose-mirror.service
5 rm -r /etc/systemd/system/{choose-mirror.service,pacman-init.service,etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount,getty@tty1.service.d}
6 rm /etc/systemd/scripts/choose-mirror
7 rm /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf
8 rm /root/{,.zlogin}
9 rm /etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf
10 rm -r /etc/initcpio
11 pacman-key --init
12 pacman-key --populate archlinux
13 rm -rf /etc/skel/
The one with i3
, and offline installation.
- Offline installation thanks via the wiki (
). light
for brightness- Initialize with my dotfiles (via script
) i3-gaps
and related configurationnitrogen
for wallpaper management
now works
The one with more packages I use, mostly messaging and encryption.
for cryptographytelegram-desktop
for my communication needsspotify
for my cloud needscronie
for synchronizationflameshot
for screenshots
since it breaks less
Updated to the standard archiso
- Included
- Removed
- Updated the mirrorlist
- Uses a patched linux-nitrous kernel for working with the network drivers on newer X1 Carbon machines (see [details here](
- Size is now ~ 2.0GB