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Implementation of MIPS instructions with subleq


All files are licensed by GPLv3 or later.



Each registers is mapped to the memory.

Address Meaning
R0–R15 (e.g. 0x100–0x10f) General registers
Lo, Hi (e.g. 0x120, 0x121) for multiplication
Trap interruption


There are a few aliases.

Address Comment
Rd, Imm (0)
Rs (1)
Rt (2)
Mem (3) the location whither the indirect reference points

Special Registers

For internal use. It also allows to modify, but they should be restored at the end of the subroutine.

Address Comment
Inc (4) stores (-1)
Dec (5) stores (+1)
Z (6) stores 0
T0–T6 (8–e) temporary registers, stores 0
Word (f) stores word size (=32)

Special Addresses

Following jump addresses have special meanings.

Address Comment
End (-1) implementation is end


We'll use new instruction in addition to usual subleq. The type of intsruction is denoted "![a-z]+". The default when the instruction is ommitted is !subleq.


Name of subroutine that implements a MIPS instruction is "@[a-z]+".


Name of macro is "@@[a-z]+". Arguments of a macro are "A[:alnum:]*". Macro expansion is like "$(name Arg0,Arg1,Arg2)".


Format is as shown. The scope of internal labels "L[:alnum:]*" is limited in a routine or a macro where the label lexically exists.

Comment is as same as that defined in C11.


@add Rd,Rs,Rt
Rs Z; // Z <- -Rs, it assumes Z = 0
Rt Z; // Z <- Z - Rt = -(Rs + Rt)
Rd; // clear Rd
Z Rd;
Z Z End;

becomes (and I assume @add is placed 0x1000)

1 6 3
2 6 6
0 0 9
6 0 c
6 6 (-1)
@mult Rs,Rt // incomplete
Z Rs Lns;                   // if Rs < 0 then Lns else Lps
Lps:Rs Z; Z T2; Z Z Lmultu; // T2 <- Rs  = abs(Rs)
Lns:Rs T2; Dec T1;          // T2 <- -Rs = abs(Rs), T1 <- -1  
Lmultu:Lo;                  // it's ok because Rt and lo are not aliased.
$(@@multu Lo,T2,Rt,Linv);    // lo <- abs(Rs) * (-Rt)
Linv:Z T1 Lend;             // if Rs < 0 (i.e. T1 < 0) then Lend else next
Lo T1; T1 Z; Lo; Z lo Lend; // (in this case Rs >= 0 and T1 = 0), lo <- -lo
Lend:T1; T2; Z Z End;

@@multu Ad,Ax,Ay,Aend // internal subroutine macro: Ad <- Ax * (-Ay) + Ad; assumes Ax >= 0; modifies Ax, Ad
Lloop:Dec Ax Aend;
Ay Ad Lloop;

is equivalent to

@mult Rs,Rt // imcomplete sample: lo <- Rs * Rt
Z Rs Lns;                   // if Rs < 0 then Lns else Lps
Lps:Rs Z; Z T2; Z Z Lmultu; // T2 <- Rs  = abs(Rs)
Lns:Rs T2; Dec T1;          // T2 <- -Rs = abs(Rs), T1 <- -1  
Lmultu:Lo;                  // it's ok because Rt and lo are not aliased.
// $(@@multu Lo,T2,Rt,Linv);    // lo <- abs(Rs) * (-Rt)
Lmultuloop:Dec T2 Linv;
Rt Lo Lmultuloop;

Linv:Z T1 Lend;             // if Rs < 0 (i.e. T1 < 0) then Lend else next
Lo T1; T1 Z; Lo; Z Lo Lend; // (in this case Rs >= 0 and T1 = 0), lo <- -lo
Lend:T1; T2; Z Z End;

and (and I assume @mult is placed 0x2000)

2000:   6   1 2006 // Z Rs Lns;
2003:   1   6 2006 // Lps:Rs Z;
2006:   6  10 2009 // Z T2;
2009:   6   6 2012// Z Z Lmultu
200c:   1  10 200f // Lns:Rs T2;
200f:   5   9 2012 // dec T1;
2012: 120 120 2015 // Lmultu:lo;
2015:   5  10 201b // Lmultuloop:dec T2 Linv;
2018:   3 120 2015 // Rt lo Lmultuloop;
201b:   6   9 202a // Linv:Z T1 Lend;
201e: 120   9 2021 // lo T1;
2021:   9   6 2024 // T1 Z;
2024: 120 120 2027 // lo;
2027:   6 120 202a // Z lo Lend;
202a:   9   9 202d // Lend:T1;
202d:  10  10 2030 // T2;
2030:   6   6 (-1) // Z Z End;


Implementating instructions of MIPS with subleq







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