培育學生具備基本處理資訊能力,強化及進階學生辦公室套裝軟體應用能力外,並可應用開放原始碼程式的電腦軟體,增加及具備資訊管理對 軟體原始碼管理
(SCM, Source-code Control Management) 的能力,同時藉由接觸 雲端團隊軟體
(Groupware) 學習統合團隊及銜接不同工作階段之 協同管理
(Collaborative Management) 的能力
- Introduction (Basics, Using, Branches, Merge, Rebase, Remote Branches, etc.) of Git and other tools (SourceTree & GitHub)
- Data flow concept of Git
- GitHub
- 個人登錄:individual registration
- 組長登錄
- Remote Repository creation/initialization
- Organization creation/configuration/initialization
- SourceTree
- Local Installation (incl. embedded Git tool)
- Creation and initialization of local repository
- Link to remote repository -- Group members
- Local Installation (incl. embedded Git tool)
- 實作
- 個人(SourceTree)
- Add/checkout/commit Local Repository
- 組(GitHub Organization)
- 組員:branch/fetch/pull/push -- remote repository
- 組長:new/merge/rebase -- remote repository
- 個人(SourceTree)
- Git 驗收
- 個人:列印local log
- 分組:
- 列印remote log
- 分享心得(final report PPT)