- Contribution of Shubham ranu : Designing OPTAB.
- Sushant Gupta : Assembler and their helper classes like ObjectCode,TextRecordClaass,EndRecord,Hearderrecord,Pass1,pass2.
- Vineet Kumar and Hari Bhushan : ExecEngine Class (loader part and objectcode executer) & GUI for Simulator.
You need to have JAVA installed in your machine. This is the easiest version. First update the package index.
$ sudo apt-get update
Then check if java is intalled or not.
$ java -version
If it returns "The program java can be found in the following packages", Java hasn't been installed yet, so execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk
That is everything you need to install Java.
First get into the folder SIC-Assembler-Simulator :
cd SIC-Assembler-Simulator/
Now compile the program :
javac UI.java
Run the compiled program :
java UI
You will notice the following dialog box come up :
Enter your SIC code in the Source SIC Program box.
Then click on Click to Assemble
After that click on Click to Run
You will get something like below as output if yout SIC program is correct :
Register Values
gives us the value stored in the different registers.Symbol Table
defines the symbol used.Object Program
gives us the object code for the SIC-code.Memory Trace
shows the value occupied in different memory locations.
├── deck.pdf
├── ExecEngine.class
├── ExecEngine.java
├── logo.jpg
├── MyMenuBar.class
├── panel$1.class
├── panel$2.class
├── panel$3.class
├── panel$4.class
├── panel$5.class
├── panel$actlist.class
├── panel.class
├── panel$savelist.class
├── Readme.pdf
├── sicassem
│ ├── Assembler.class
│ ├── Assembler.java
│ ├── EndRecord.class
│ ├── EndRecord.java
│ ├── HeaderRecord.class
│ ├── HeaderRecord.java
│ ├── ObjectProg.class
│ ├── ObjectProg.java
│ ├── Optable.class
│ ├── Optable.java
│ ├── SymTab.class
│ ├── SymTab.java
│ ├── TextRecord.class
│ └── TextRecord.java
├── Test.class
├── Test.java
├── UI.class
└── UI.java
We can see that the sicassem
folder contains the codes for the assembler while the root folder has the codes for the graphics user interface.