Mario Kart Toolbox is a fully-fledged editor for Mario Kart DS.
- Course Editor
- Edit all NKM sections visually
- New error detection
- New and improved collision generator and viewer
- 2D and 3D gizmos with keyboard shortcuts
- Easy drawing tools
- Live camera editor
- And more...
Planned features will be added in the issues of this repository.
- Character and Kart Editors
- Easy to use ROM explorer
- Command line support
- Install the .NET 8.0 SDK (
git clone
cd MarioKartToolbox
dotnet publish src/HaroohiePals.MarioKartToolbox/HaroohiePals.MarioKartToolbox.csproj -c Release -f net8.0 /p:DebugType=None /p:DebugSymbols=false --self-contained false --output ./Release/
- Dear ImGui
- ImGui.NET
- ImGuizmo
- RiiStudio
- OpenTK
- Autofac
- coverlet.collector
- Discord RPC C#
- FluentAssertions
- Moq
- NativeFileDialogs.Net
- Json.NET
- NUnit
- SixLabors.ImageSharp
- TextCopy
- Logo design by Daniel @kaasiand
- Mario Kart DS Modding Discord Server
Mario Kart Toolbox is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.