The ISBN 13&10 Checksum Tool is a Python-based utility for calculating the check digits for both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 numbers. This tool helps users verify the validity of ISBN numbers by generating the correct check digit based on the initial part of the ISBN.
- Calculate the check digit for 9-digit ISBN-10 numbers.
- Calculate the check digit for 12-digit ISBN-13 numbers.
- User-friendly command-line interface.
- Option to exit the program at any time.
- Python 3.x
Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the directory containing the script.
Run the script using Python.
Follow the on-screen instructions:
- Choose whether you want to calculate the check digit for an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 number.
- Enter the initial part of the ISBN number when prompted.
- The tool will display the calculated check digit.
Check digit for: [1]ISBN 10 [2]ISBN 13 [3]Exit: 1
Enter the 9 digit ISBN number: 030640615
ISBN check digit: X
Check digit for: [1]ISBN 10 [2]ISBN 13 [3]Exit: 2
Enter the 12 digit ISBN number: 978030640615
ISBN check digit: 7
Check digit for: [1]ISBN 10 [2]ISBN 13 [3]Exit: 3
Thank you!
The script consists of the following main parts:
ISBN-13 Check Digit Calculation:
- Prompts the user to enter a 12-digit ISBN number.
- Computes the check digit using the ISBN-13 algorithm.
ISBN-10 Check Digit Calculation:
- Prompts the user to enter a 9-digit ISBN number.
- Computes the check digit using the ISBN-10 algorithm.
Main Loop:
- Provides a menu for the user to choose between calculating an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 check digit, or exiting the tool.
- Calls the appropriate functions based on the user's choice.