PHP + Jquery Ajax Multi Image Upload
- You can upload 1 to n images to your server.
- simple use (I did it in the simplest way. You don't have trouble with integration)
- you can change directory in anytime.
- It does the naming for you if you want
- you can return the names of error codes, custom messages and images (for save database).
- you can upload PDF,images or other.
how use ?
- Just change upload folder(If you want you can send the function while calling)
- just send file extention. (you can send all file paths. open image.class.php and add your extention)
- Check return array. i will send image names
- If you want, you can save the names I have sent to the database.
Note: if you want send text or image you can. just open ajax.js and add like I did add image.
- You should Change save folder in image.class.php (If you want you can send the function while calling)