Welcome to Talent Forge, Our cutting-edge job matching platform leverages the power of GenAI integration, empowering recruiters to effortlessly connect with ideal candidates and enabling job seekers to discover tailored opportunities aligned with their unique skills and experience. Transform your hiring process and career journey with Talent Forge today!
Single handly built project(frontend & backend) in span of 8 days.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/HPg_oU8sAx8
- Chatbot integration using GenAI
- User Authentication
- Recruiter can post, add, update, and delete their job posts
- Jobseeker can apply on job posts, can update their profile, can also view the status of application
- Front-end:
- Chakra UI for a visually appealing and responsive user interface
- React.js for building dynamic and interactive components
- Redux for state mangement
- Back-end:
- MySQL for storing job posts, applications, skillsets and user data
- Flask for handling server-side logic
- Website URL: https://talent-forge-one.vercel.app
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Hasims2001/TalentForge.git
- Open the TalentForge folder in termial:
cd TalentForge
- Run command:
npm install
- Run project
npm start
Feel free to explore the project using the provided links and discover the jobs or telents!