This is repo is made for the Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program module 5: Microservices at Scale using AWS & Kubernetes. The project deploys a machine learning model (the file) in a kubernetes cluster. The ML model takes some imputs about the house market and use them to make a prediction about the pricing in Boston.
To run this locally, you will need Python3, Pylint, Hadolint, Docker, Kubernetes and Minikube. Then you must follow the next steps inside a terminal:
- git clone
- cd DevOps_Microservices_Project
- python3 -m venv ~/.devops
- source ~/.devops/bin/activate
Then, inside the virtual enviroment, you can type "make install" to install and build dependencies. Makefile also contains a lint section. Also, the pylint par have an extra --disable=W1202. This is because the logging in triggers some warnings. If you have installed hadolint locally and want to use it, uncomment the hadolint Dockerfile in Makefile. Now, for running and triying the whole system, there are three scripts:
- builds and expose the web app. It takes the configuration from Dockerfile and expose the 80 port to recieve the prediction petition.
- does the same as above, but with a kubernetes cluster instead.
- can be used to test the deploymen.
The other relevant files in this repo are to upload the docker image to Docker Hub (you should modify the dockerpath inside this file if you want to upload to another repository) and /.circleci/config.yml. About the last one, the original code in the source repository ( had some problems in the building and in the linting, so I ended making a separate hadolint job (called lint) to check Dockerfile and, in the build job, there is an additional installation during the checkout space. It seems that CircleCI uses setuptools, so this additional installation helps with that. In fact, this was giving me some trouble until I found this information here