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A package with useful data and functions to manage countries, currencies, processing monetary amounts and dial codes

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country-currency-utils is a comprehensive npm package providing country and currency data for all countries. It offers an extensive set of utilities for handling monetary amounts efficiently, including formatting, rounding, and accessing currency symbols. This package ensures accurate monetary representation and simplifies working with detailed country and currency information.


To install the package, run:

npm install country-currency-utils


yarn add country-currency-utils

Countries and Currencies data

The package hosts country and currency data via CDN URLs:


# Countries

# Currencies

Country utilities

Type references

type TCountryDetails = {
  name: string; // Country name
  dialCode: string; // Country dial code
  currencyCode: string; // Country currency code
  flagEmoji: string; // Country flag emoji

type TCountryData = TCountryDetails & {
  countryCode: string; // ISO 3166 country code

Available functions



getAllCountryDetails(): Promise<Record<string, TCountryDetails>>

Return all country details in Object format. The key in object is Country Code (ISO 3166).



getAllCountryData(): Promise<TCountryData[]>

Return all country data in array format.



getCountryData(countryCode: string): Promise<TCountryData | undefined>

Return country data given a country code.


const countryData = await getCountryData("BD");



getCountriesData(countryCodes: string[]): Promise<(TCountryData | undefined)[]>

Return multiple countries data given array of country codes.


const countriesData = await getCountriesData(["US", "BD"]);

Currencies utilities

Type references

type TCurrencyDetails = {
  name: string; // Currency name
  demonym: string; // Currency demonym
  majorSingle: string; // Major unit name in singular form (e.g. Dollar)
  majorPlural: string; // Major unit name in plural form (e.g. Dollars)
  symbol: string; // Currency symbol (e.g. $, CA$)
  symbolNative: string; // Currency symbol in native language (e.g. $)
  symbolPreferred: string; // preferred currency symbol, used for display
  minorSingle: string; // Minor unit name in singular form (e.g. Cent)
  minorPlural: string; // Minor unit name in plural form (e.g. Cents)
  decimals: number; // Number of decimal places, used for standard display
  decimalsCompact: number; // Number of decimal places, used for compact display
  digitGrouping: 2 | 3; // Digit grouping for formatting (e.g. 2 for 1,00,000, 3 for 100,000)

type TCurrencyData = TCurrencyDetails & {
  currencyCode: string; // ISO 4217 currency codes

Available functions



getAllCurrencyDetails(): Promise<Record<string, TCurrencyDetails>>

Return all currency details in Object format. The key in object is Currency Code (ISO 4217).



getAllCurrencyData(): Promise<TCurrencyData[]>

Return all currency data in array format.



getCurrencyData(currencyCode: string): Promise<TCurrencyData | undefined>

Returns Currency data given a currency code


const currencyData = await getCurrencyData("BDT");



getCurrenciesData(currencyCodes: string[]): Promise<(TCurrencyData | undefined)[]>

Returns Currencies data given am array of currency codes


const currenciesData = await getCurrenciesData(["USD", "BDT"]);

Amount Formatting Utilities

There are many functions and utilities that may be required when handling monetory amounts. Here are a list of functions:


getFixedAmount(amount: number, decimals: number, isRoundMiddle?: boolean): number

The default behavior is to ceil the amount to the specified decimal places. This is because we want to maximize the monetory amount. However, use the roundingMethod param to use actual "ceil" | "round" method to round the amount.


const fixedAmount = getFixedAmount(123.4517, 2); // 123.46
const fixedAmount = getFixedAmount(123.4517, 2, "round"); // 123.45


type TRoundingMethod = "ceil" | "round";
type TDecimalsOption = "standard" | "compact";

type TCurrencyRoundOptions = {
  roundingMethod?: TRoundingMethod; // Default behavior is Math.ceil
  roundingDecimals?: TDecimalsOption; // Default behavior is to use standard decimals, isDecimalsCompact uses compact decimals

getFixedAmountOnCurrency(amount: number, currencyData?: TCurrencyData, options?: TCurrencyRoundOptions): number

This uses the getFixedAmount function internally to ceil/round on details of a currency code. Default behavior is to use the decimals (standard) decimal places, but this can be overridden using decimalsCompact. decimalsCompact is usually a more compact number of decimal places which may be used in previews and in UI.


const USDCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("USD");
const BDTCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("BDT");

const roundedAmount = getFixedAmountOnCurrency(123.4567, USDCurrencyData); // 123.46
const roundedAmount = getFixedAmountOnCurrency(123.45, BDTCurrencyData); // 123.45
const roundedAmount = getFixedAmountOnCurrency(123.45, BDTCurrencyData, {
  roundingDecimals: "compact",
}); // 124

Note: You will notice that we are having to run a promise to get CurrencyData and then round/format/display monetory amount. When handling many countries and currencies, it is better to fetch data and then use it, rather that keeping a list of countries and currencies as data or as constant in code base. This keeps codebase light. However if you are handling single currency or just a few currencies. You can keep a list of currencies data and use it directly in function in stead of fetching through an async call.


getFormattedAmount(amount: number, digitGrouping: number, fixedDecimals?: number): string

Returns a string with comma separated amount. digitGrouping maybe 2 or 3. fixedDecimals pads the decimal places with 0s or truncates (does not round) extra decimal places.


const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmount(123456.7, 2); // "1,23,456.7"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmount(123456.7, 3); // "123,456.7"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmount(123456.7, 2, 2); // "1,23,456.70"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmount(123456.789, 3, 2); // "123,456.78"


export type TCurrencyFormatOptions = TCurrencyRoundOptions & {
  avoidRound?: boolean; // avoids rounding amount
  previewDecimals?: TDecimalsOption; // default behavior is decimals compact

getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(amount: number, currencyData?: TCurrencyData, options?: TCurrencyFormatOptions): string

Formats the given amount according to the currency's standard decimal places and digit grouping and returns it as a string. The function by default ceils the number and formats on the currency definitions. The options inherits from rounding options. avoidRound avoids rounding the amount. previewDecimals tells how many decimal places should at least show up.


const USDCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("USD");
const BDTCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("BDT");

const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(123456.7, USDCurrencyData); // "123,456.70"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(
    avoidRound: true,
); // "123,456.711"

const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(123456.7, BDTCurrencyData); // "1,23,456.7"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(
    roundingDecimals: "compact",
); // "1,23,457"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(1, BDTCurrencyData); // "1"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(1.2, BDTCurrencyData); // "1.2"
const formattedAmount = getFormattedAmountOnCurrency(1.2, BDTCurrencyData, {
  previewDecimals: "standard",
}); // "1.20"


type TCurrencyDisplayOptions = TCurrencyFormatOptions & {
  avoidFormat?: boolean; // Default: format amount
  isSymbolStandard?: boolean; // Default: preferredSymbol, isSymbolStandard: standard symbol
  isSymbolNative?: boolean; // Default: preferredSymbol, isSymbolNative: symbolNative
  separator?: string; // Default: space between symbol and amount, can be changed

getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(amount: number, currencyData?: TCurrencyData, options?: TCurrencyFormatOptions): string

Returns a displayable amount with currency symbol, rounded by default and uses proper digit grouping on currency. avoidFormat avoid formatting. isSymbolStandard and isSymbolNative defined the symbol to use, default is to use preferredSymbol. separator can be used define separator string between symbol and amount. The function inherits options for rounding and formatting


const USDCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("USD");
const BDTCurrencyData = await getCurrencyData("BDT");

const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123.4567, USDCurrencyData); // "$ 123.46"
const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123456.7, USDCurrencyData); // "$ 123,456.70"
const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123456.7, USDCurrencyData, {
  avoidFormat: true,
}); // "$ 123456.7"
const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123456.7, USDCurrencyData, {
  separator: "",
}); // "$123,456.70"
const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123.4567, BDTCurrencyData); // "Tk 123.46"
const displayAmount = getDisplayAmountOnCurrency(123, BDTCurrencyData, {
  isSymbolStandard: true,
}); // "৳ 123"


getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(amount: number, currencyCode: string, options?: TCurrencyFormatOptions): Promise<string>

Returns a displayable amount with currency symbol, using the getDisplayAmountOnCurrency function and looks up currency details on currency code


const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123.4567, "USD"); // "$ 123.46"
const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123456.7, "USD"); // "$ 123,456.70"
const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123456.7, "USD", {
  avoidFormat: true,
}); // "$ 123456.7"
const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123456.7, "USD", {
  separator: "",
}); // "$123,456.70"
const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123.4567, "BDT"); // "Tk 123.46"
const displayAmount = await getDisplayAmountOnCurrencyCode(123, "BDT", {
  isSymbolStandard: true,
}); // "৳ 123"


All data and functions have been tested using Jest.


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Developed By

Headless Technologies Limited

Headless Technologies Limited

A software, hardware, and AI company building solutions on tech.


If you find this package useful, please consider starring the repository on GitHub to show your support!


Developers are welcome to create issues and pull requests.


A package with useful data and functions to manage countries, currencies, processing monetary amounts and dial codes




