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HEE Content Management System

The HEE content management and delivery system used to manage and deliver the website at

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment Status (CI/CD)

Built With

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


In order to develop on this platform you will need to have the following tools installed and configured

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Docker
  • Java 1.8
  • Maven >= 3.5.0 (For Maven CI Friendly Versions Support)


In order to get a development environment up and running you will need to work through the following steps

Cloning the platform from source control

git clone

To run the brXM project in a docker container, you must install the project, build the docker image and run the docker image respectively.

First install the project:

mvn clean install

Then build the brXM docker image:


This maven profile will create a docker image and add it to the local docker registry. The new image will be tagged in <group_id>/<artifactId>:<version. Example: uk.nhs.hee.web/hee-web:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

To run the image with in-memory h2 database:


Running with an embedded MySQL database. To create & run environment containing builtin MySQL DB just run:


As a result, default db credentials will be used (admin/admin) and DB name will be the same as project's artifactId (e.g. myproject)

Running with an embedded PostgreSQL database. To create & run environment containing builtin PostgreSQL DB just run:


As a result, default db credentials will be used (admin/admin) and DB name will be the same as project's artifactId (e.g. myproject)

To run the image with an external mysql database, add the provided database name, username and password below to the properties section of your project's pom.xml:


Then run:


After running the docker image, application logs will be shown on the terminal window.

After your project is set up, access the CMS at http://localhost:8080/cms and the site at http://localhost:8080/site. Logs are located in target/tomcat9x/logs.

Automatic Export

Automatic export of repository changes to the filesystem is turned on by default. To control this behavior, log into http://localhost:8080/cms/console and press the "Enable/Disable Auto Export" button at the top right. To set this as the default for your project edit the file ./repository-data/application/src/main/resources/hcm-config/configuration/modules/autoexport-module.yaml

Running unit tests

You can run the unit tests for the application like so:

mvn clean test

Running integration tests

And you can run the integration tests like so:

mvn clean verify

And coding style tests

Code style is enforced using checkstyle and uses the out of the box google java style configuration. Checkstyle is run by default on any maven build that compiles source code.

You can if you wish run the code style checks independently using the following syntax:

mvn checkstyle:checkstyle

Development Workflow

Development workflows are implemented using Github Actions. Find below workflows that are implemented so far for CI/CD.

Continuous Integration (CI) Workflow

When a commit had been made to any branch except develop/release/** or a PR has been made, then Continuous Integration workflow (.github/workflows/ci.yml) would be triggered which would essentially compile & test the project.

Continuous Deployment (CD) Workflows

Development Environment [master should be replaced with develop when ready]

When a commit (essentially merge commits) had been made to master, then Continuous Deployment workflow (.github/workflows/ci-and-cd-dev.yml) would be triggered which would perform both Continuous Integration & Deployment to brCloud development environment.

Test Environment (disabled temporarily) [TODO: yet to be tested & verified]

When a commit (essentially merge commits) had been made to release/**, then Continuous Deployment workflow (.github/workflows/ci-and-cd-tst.yml) would be triggered which would perform both Continuous Integration & Deployment to brCloud test environment. This would also deploy the release package onto Github Packages artefact repo.

The above workflow(s) requires the following secrets to be setup on Github: - Secrets for hippo-maven2-enterprise maven repository ( - BLOOMREACH_MVN_USERNAME - brXM Maven Repository username - BLOOMREACH_MVN_PASSWORD - brXM Maven Repository password Contact Bloomreach (Get Bloomreach Experience Manager Developer Accounts) in order to setup a developer account. - Secrets to upload and deploy the distribution onto a brCloud environment - BRC_USERNAME - brCloud username - BRC_PASSWORD - brCloud password

TODO: Update above Github Workflows in incorporate changes required to update the configurations indicated in Update the following section under Deployment so as to automate deployment to brCloud.

Add notes describing:

  • states and transitions
  • source control workflow (Git Flow, etc )
  • ticket management (JIRA) ?


To build Tomcat distribution tarballs:

Update the following

  • Microsoft Graph Crisp Resource Resolver Config.: Update the following Microsoft Graph/Azure API OAuth2 Security property placeholders on repository-data/application/src/main/resources/hcm-config/configuration/modules/crispregistry.yaml [hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/crispregistry/hippo:moduleconfig/crisp:resourceresolvercontainer/demoProductCatalogs/@crisp:beandefinition] propvalues:

    • <client_id> - Graph/Azure API Client Id
    • <client_secret> - Graph/Azure API Client Secret
    • <tenant_id> - Graph/Azure API Tenant Id
  • [brCloud Deployments ONLY] MockServer based NHS Programmes API Crisp Resource Resolver Config.: Uncomment and update brCloud environment specific credentials on repository-data/application/src/main/resources/hcm-config/configuration/modules/crispregistry.yaml [/hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/crispregistry/hippo:moduleconfig/crisp:resourceresolvercontainer/mockServerResources]

    <!-- Uncomment the following interceptors ONLY on brCloud in order to enable Basic Authentcation -->
    <!-- <property name="interceptors">
        <bean class="">
            <constructor-arg value="<brCloud_env_username>" />
            <constructor-arg value="<brCloud_env_password>" />
    </property> -->


    • <brCloud_env_username> - brCloud environment (to which the distribution will be depoyed) specific username.
    • <brCloud_env_password> - brCloud environment (to which the distribution will be depoyed) specific password.

Note that the above BasicAuthorizationInterceptor is required for password enabled brCloud environments ONLY.

  • Spring Security OAuth2 Client Registration Setup for Azure API: Update Microsoft Azure API OAuth2 Security property placeholders on site/components/src/main/resources/
    • = <client_id> # Graph/Azure API Client Id
    • = <client_secret> # Graph/Azure API Client Secret
    • = <tenant_id> # Graph/Azure API Tenant Id
  • Algolia Search Security Setup: Update Algolia Search property placeholders on site/components/src/main/resources/
    •<application_id> # Algolia Application Id
    • algolia.api.key=<api_key> # Algolia Application Key
  • Deploy Front End artefacts from hee-react-csr project:
    • Update hee-react-csr/.env properties based on the environment for which the Front End artefacts are being built.
    • Build (ref. hee-react-csr for more details on building the project) and copy over artefacts (hee-react-csr/build/static/) built from hee-react-csr project onto bloomreach site webapp (hee-content-management-system/site/webapp/src/main/webapp/static/)
    • Update repository-data/webfiles/src/main/resources/site/freemarker/heeweb/base-layout.ftl freemarker template to include latest Front End artefacts copied over in the previous step.

Build the distribution

mvn clean verify mvn -P dist or mvn -P dist-with-development-data

The dist profile will produce in the /target directory a distribution tarball, containing the main deployable wars and shared libraries.

The dist-with-development-data profile will produce a distribution-with-development-data tarball, also containing the repository-data-development jar in the shared/lib directory. This kind of distribution is meant to be used for deployments to development environments, for instance local deployments or deployments to a continuous integration (CI) system. (Initially, this module contains only "author" and "editor" example users for use in testing. Other data must be placed in this module explicitly by developers, for demo or testing purposes, etc.)

See also src/main/assembly/*.xml if you need to customize the distributions.

Deploy on brCloud

Manual deployment

Deploy the distribution built from the previous section along with a property file containing the following property

base.uri=<brCloud_env_base_uri> # brCloud environment (to which deployment is being made) base URI
# e.g. base.uri=

Deployment via Github Actions

TODO: Update Github Workflows indicated in Development Workflow section to incorporate changes required to update the configurations mentioned in Update the following section in order to automate brCloud deployment.

Releases and Versioning

We use SemVer for versioning. For the releases available, see the Releases/Tags on this repository.



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